Weight loss plateau

debbiejo Posts: 18
edited September 20 in Health and Weight Loss
I am wondering if anyone else has encountered a weight loss plateau. I am pretty new to the process of weight loss, and I have a long way to reach my goal of shedding 50 pounds.

I saw on some informercial on TV that the initial stages of weight loss could be just water loss, and I am afraid that might be me. The commerical also said that you need to challange your body by continually changing your excercise routine and making it more difficult. I am curious to learn from others on this site if they feel this is true. I do challege myself by walking up steep hills and lifting weights, but I was not considering upping this routine. If I need to I certainly will, but it seems pretty hard right now and it is much better than to NO excerise I was previously getting.

I have been playing with my calories and learning that I can not just eat anything that totals my daily calorie limit, and that sugar is definately not good for my weight loss goals... too bad... :ohwell: I was doing really good and relatively quickly lost about 10 pounds, but then I had a terrible gain of about 4 pounds. It is not fair that I can gain so quickly, but take forever to loose it!! I am back to trying to be more careful about what goes in.

I just really want to drop these pounds by Christmas (family reunion), and don't want to continue along a path that won't get me there. How did those people with high weight loss do it? Any suggestions or ideas are appreciated! I need the help!! Thanks


  • azwildcatfan94
    azwildcatfan94 Posts: 314 Member
    I think that part of it is that we have more to lose. One thing to think about when you are learning about weight loss is that everyone tells you how to do it the fastest, most efficient way. But, that doesn't make it the most successful way. For example, any movement at any intensity level burns more calories than sitting on the couch. The higher the intensity the quicker you burn those calories. However, if you are relatively out of shape, you also increase your risk of injury and/or burn out. So, in my opinion, it is better to start out slowly and increase intensity as you improve. Oh, and just because it seems easier than what you may have seen on tv, if you measured your heart rate, maybe it was the right intensity for you. The more fit you become, the more intense the workout needs to be to reach that desired heart rate. But, to me, if doing a less intense exercise gets you moving, where you wouldn't otherwise, then you will more successful.

    Oh, and in terms of food, I think you hit the nail on the head. From a shear mathematical calories in v. calories out perspective, 1400 calories of potato chips should be no different than 1400 calories of lean meat and veggies. But, we all know that there are huge nutritional differences in our food choices. So, as much as possible, try to get the best nutritional value for your calories. You might not always eat perfectly, but never stop trying.
  • BrenNew
    BrenNew Posts: 3,420 Member
    I am wondering if anyone else has encountered a weight loss plateau. I am pretty new to the process of weight loss, and I have a long way to reach my goal of shedding 50 pounds.

    I saw on some informercial on TV that the initial stages of weight loss could be just water loss, and I am afraid that might be me. The commerical also said that you need to challange your body by continually changing your excercise routine and making it more difficult. I am curious to learn from others on this site if they feel this is true. I do challege myself by walking up steep hills and lifting weights, but I was not considering upping this routine. If I need to I certainly will, but it seems pretty hard right now and it is much better than to NO excerise I was previously getting.

    I have been playing with my calories and learning that I can not just eat anything that totals my daily calorie limit, and that sugar is definately not good for my weight loss goals... too bad... :ohwell: I was doing really good and relatively quickly lost about 10 pounds, but then I had a terrible gain of about 4 pounds. It is not fair that I can gain so quickly, but take forever to loose it!! I am back to trying to be more careful about what goes in.

    I just really want to drop these pounds by Christmas (family reunion), and don't want to continue along a path that won't get me there. How did those people with high weight loss do it? Any suggestions or ideas are appreciated! I need the help!! Thanks

    I totally agree with AZ.
    I'd also like to add that while I was losing, I had LOTS of weeks of staying the same. I think one time it lasted like 5 weeks! :sad:
    I HAVE heard all the suggestions about "changing up" your routine. But, I just kinda stuck with the exercising I was comfortable (and happy!) doing. I HATE exercising! :grumble: :laugh: So rather than TRY to do something that would make me miserable, (and no doubt make me stop!) I just stuck to my dancing to my oldies, walking, and jogging with the Wii Fit, and eventually, I started losing again. It took me about 8 months to lose 45 pounds. And now in the last 8 months, I've just been kind of juggling back and fourth with like the same 6 pounds.
    I'd like to lose a few more as a buffer, since I DO like to overindulge every now and again, but, if I can't, I'm certainly happy enough where I'm at right now! :happy:
    MFP has changed my life sooooooo much for the better, as it has with TONS of others. And I'm sure it will for you too! :wink: You just need to "work with your numbers" through making good food choices, moderation, getting some exercise, and drinking lots of water. I also recommend reading AND writing on the boards too, as well as checking out the profile pics of the bigger losers. It really gives you that extra motivation to keep going at times. It did ME anyway! :happy: :smile:
  • Thank you all for your kind words and motivation. I really love to hear and learn from those that have dealt with this before and made it through. It really helps to keep me going and not give up! It was really helpful to hear that the second reply had been stuck at the same weight for 5 weeks, but now has attained her goal and then some! I admire your perseverance - you rock!!

    I also appreciate the words of wisdom from the first reply. I had not thought about the fact that I would need additional strenuous work outs to keep my heart rate up as I got more fit - that totally makes sense to me now.

    The third reply was great and really struck home with me in many ways. I totally have large meals, and some small snacks between. I am going to try to split them up more evenly throughout the day. The nutritional value and breakdown of calories, carbs and sugars are something that I really need to work harder at. I am a mom and I work full-time, so I am really used to eatting "prepared" stick tem in the oven kind of meals. When I started the diet, i tried to eat more healthy. As I grew more accustomed to logging the foods I ate, I discovered I could still eat pizza and tootsie rolls and stay below my calories. I am totally going to work on eatting better whole natural foods and monitor the sugars, fats and carbs too.

    I am going to switch up my excercise routine and diet to keep my body guessing, and hopefully get off this plateau. Thanks so much for your advice! It means a lot to me and will help enormously... I hope :flowerforyou:
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