NEVER full



  • Amber82479
    Amber82479 Posts: 629 Member
    First, let me say I'm diabetic, so I'm not sure this applies to you, but I bring it up because it's a possibility. Diabetics don't produce a hormone called Amylin. Amylin causes you to feel and recognize fullness when you eat. I also lack that full feeling, and when taking Symlin (an injection that replaces Amylin in the body to help diabetics process carbs more efficiently and feel full), I finally knew what it was to feel full. What I'm saying here is that it might be worth a trip to the doctor to discuss this concern with them. I'm sure there are other factors that can cause you to not feel full and maybe they can help you determine why it's happening and what you can do about it. I fully understand how frustrating it is to have to physically force yourself to stop eating because you don't have that full trigger.
  • C00lCountry
    C00lCountry Posts: 282
    If you never completely log all your food, how do you know where you are at end of the day?
  • DarthH8
    DarthH8 Posts: 298 Member
    I really think you just eat too little. If you want to lose weight. I have a way. I understand it's not easy, but I'm going to tell you:

    First, research how to calculate energy intake and expenditure correctly. From what you eat to how much you burn during exercise. Look up BMR and TDEE, they will help you so much more than just relying on MFPs calculations. You can still use MFP as I do, you just need to understand why it is giving you those numbers.

    Second, research food and exercise. Find out what kinds of foods you should and shouldn't be eating. Come up with an exercise routine that you enjoy doing. Or something that you think you could learn to enjoy.

    Third, Apply this knowledge. Instead of focusing on a number you see on a scale. Just focus on honing this knowledge and making fitness something that is important to you.

    I am at the point where I can binge and it doesn't matter. Simply because I have this amazing connection with my body. Learn your body, you will not regret it.
  • jetscreaminagain
    jetscreaminagain Posts: 1,130 Member
    Help me understand why on earth your goal is to lose 15 pounds if you already have a low-normal BMI?

    I'm not saying at a low BMI you ought not keep an eye on your food or ought not exercise. That would be a silly thing to say. BUT, at a low BMI, seems to me weight loss is not a goal that promotes health. Perhaps fat loss, lean muscle gain, perhaps fitness goals measured by accomplishments, like a faster mile in running, swimming, biking, cross country skiing, or whatever or strength gains (which don't necessarily mean weight gains and DON"T mean buliking up if you're a woman).

    If you have a low BMI, you eat 1000 calories, and you're hungry, everything is working just fine. You are hungry because you should eat more. So. Eat more. Find out your BMR (calories burned in a coma) and find your TDEE (what you burn in activities plus your BMR). Don't eat less than your BMR. Eat a reasonable (~20% less than your TDEE but still above your BMR) deficit if you want to lose weight, but again, weight loss is not necessarily a great idea. Fat loss and muscle building maybe.

    Please respect your body and listen to the signals it gives you. It does so much for you and can do so much more. Please listen to it and feed it.
  • caraiselite
    caraiselite Posts: 2,631 Member
    i do low carb, and i can eat 8 bites and be 'satisfied'

    more than 10 and i'm full.. but i love that full to almost bursting feeling and i really need to break that addiction but anyway...

    no appetite on low carb!
  • neverstray
    neverstray Posts: 3,845 Member
    Raw almonds fill me up big time. It's amazing. Just a good handful and I feel full for hours.
  • nnylee
    nnylee Posts: 814 Member
    What's going on is you should be eating more than 1200.
  • losecandy
    losecandy Posts: 22 Member
    Sorry I was confused. Which produces the appetite supersant hormone? Fat or protein or carbs.