Metformin for weightloss?!



  • I started Metformin two weeks ago and lost 6 lbs so far! It suppress my hunger for sure and gives me more energy!
    I have also heard recent reports that it helps lower cholesterol and may suppress the growth of cancer. I am all about this pill..
  • I've been on Met for 5 days (primarily prescribed for weight loss to trigger an increase in testosterone) but I just feel fatigued (even more than usual) and have probably gained weight if anything. I'm not up to the full dose yet, so maybe something magical will happen over time!
  • cafeaulait7
    cafeaulait7 Posts: 2,459 Member
    I'm not on it, but I do have PCOS and understand the hormonal reasoning behind it for women. Having too much testosterone for women screws up the menstrual hormone feedback mechanism, and estrogen gets increased. I don't recall whether it's the estrogen itself, but something about having high estrogen and high testosterone screws up the insulin release/response in women. If you metabolize carbs abnormally because of abnormal insulin levels (or sensitivity), you do put on more weight.

    Women with PCOS vary in their hormonal profile, mainly because the diagnosis isn't as well-defined as it could be. Women with high androgens may have something else going on. Usually you'll also get high estrogen, though, because the high androgens mess up the feedback and more estrogen is pumped out than needed.

    Metformin fixes insulin problems and those particular female hormone problems both, as it turns out. Dunno about in men.
  • Hezzietiger1
    Hezzietiger1 Posts: 1,256 Member
    My parents take it for diabetes but don't follow the diet they should, and they have lost nothing. A friend is on it for diabetes and does follow the right diet and has lost 30 lbs. I'm pretty sure the weight loss has nothing to do with metformin but with diet. I have no idea about metformin and hormone levels? I thought it was specific to glucose levels.
  • I have PCOS and was taking metformin to help regulate hormones, menstruation and help me conceive a baby. I noticed it helped me a great deal with a boost in weight loss.

    Before with my first real attempt at weight loss I did curves almost everyday (2x around the circuit) for about 7 months and only saw maybe 15lbs. I was discouraged and quit.

    This time within a month I dropped like 15 and ultimately lost 50lbs in about 6 months while on it! I feel it really did help. It must be different for every person because every body is different. I do hope it gives you a boost!
  • laurengrice14
    laurengrice14 Posts: 2 Member
    I just recently started taking metformin for PCOS. I don't have diabetes. I have very low iron so I will also be starting an iron supplement because I can't take BC pills on account of wanting to get prego soon. I haven't noticed a weight loss yet but I have noticed my appetite decrease as well as little to no cravings for sweets and carbs. So fingers crossed!
  • omsmom12
    omsmom12 Posts: 31 Member
    I have PCOS and slightly elevated blood sugar (but not high enough to qualify as diabetic). My testosterone levels were in the high end of normal and I couldn't seem to lose weight no matter what I did so my endocrinologist put me on Metformin. Because of the higher blood sugar levels, I adopted a low carb diet. I don't know if it was the Metformin or the low carb diet but I've dropped 45 pounds in 12 months. (Before that, I had been averaging the exact same number of calories on a high-carb, low fat diet and couldn't lose a pound.)

    I stopped taking Metformin in August after hearing lots of anecdotal evidence that it can lower libido. (Makes sense if it lowers testosterone.) I don't need any help lowering libido with one-year-old twins and a full time job :) It seems to be coming back but perhaps it's just a placebo effect. Either way, I'm still losing weight steadily on a fairly low-carb diet without the Metformin.

    Best of luck with your goals!
  • :smile: In May 2013, my A1C was 8.1 (I was not officially diabetic, but too close for comfort) so my doctor put me on Metformin. He also insisted that I be intentional about exercise and weight loss. Well, I am not sure if it was the help of the Metformin or not, but in October 2013 my A1C was down to 6.3, and my weight is down 33 pounds since May. I believe it was a combination of the Metformin and my faithful use of MyFitnessPal web site to track my food and exercise! I have not had any AEs (aka Side Effects) from the use of Metformin. I am on 500 MG twice a day with meals.
  • I started metformin in June of 2013. I had just been diagnoised as insulin resistant. My A1C was 6.2, and my testosterone level was very high, which explains the hair loss. My weight was 208 when I started and I'm 5'4". I have lost 30 lbs as of today Nov. 21, 2013. I haven't had any side effects from the metformin and I have gone to a low carb diet. I also make sure to consume more protein than carbs each day. I am currently taking 1000mg twice a day. I also take a low dose of levothyroxine for thyroid.
  • jade2112
    jade2112 Posts: 272 Member
    I took it a few years back for weight loss. It did nothing and gave me horrible diarrhea.
  • I have PCOS and the endocrine put me on metfomin.. I've lost 6lb in two weeks with out dieting, I've had takeaways and everything so its working for me.
  • runduckie88
    runduckie88 Posts: 1 Member
    Have him test his Vit D levels. That might help as well.