14lbs in 7 days



  • It's definitely water weight.
    Because the carb intake was much less than normal daily food.

    I have read 1 grams of carb holds 2 grams of water. So minimize the carb, the weight go down quickly.

    I think it's alright for short period like a week or two, but if you continue doing this, your body would be in starvation mode and not burning regularly.
  • _Zardoz_
    _Zardoz_ Posts: 3,987 Member
    :smooched: I picked up the above diet comms from netmums' forum about 3 weeks ago, I tried it for 4 days and lost 7lbs panicked and started yumming everything in sight because I thought there was something wrong. Anyway after careful consideration, research and soul searching I have decided to embark on it again . Apparently this is a pre-ops diet plan to help patients shed weight fast, hence it was prescribed by a surgeon.
    But not to you!!!!! Would you take someone else's prescription for an illness you don't have? It's the same thing your following a plan for a specific group of patients with specific goals which are not yours

    Follow the links


  • GiveMeCoffee
    GiveMeCoffee Posts: 3,556 Member
    OP you have been on MFP since 2012 and you haven't learned yet that these quick fixes don't work long term?? Give up the fads, figure out at reasonable calorie deficit and have patience.

    For the person that mentioned the Dr. Oz cleanse - JUST NO! If Dr. Oz name is attached to it run, and cleanses are just cleansing your wallet.

    Please read the links Fatdoob posted.
  • gypsy_spirit
    gypsy_spirit Posts: 2,107 Member
    I was you once. I grasped at every diet that came out in magazines. I lost 40 pounds over and over and over. Every time, I would gain it back. I did this so many times, I had convinced myself that I was just a failure at getting healthy. Somehow, I just would never be one of the ones that tried hard enough or wanted it bad enough.

    Flash forward another 20 years: 2 years ago, I signed up for MFP. I started listening to all the people who talked about fueling your body correctly, picking up weights, doing a little cardio - things that have now become my life. 100 pounds later - the weight is still off, I'm still lifting weights and I'm finally quieting that voice in my head that made me follow every stupid diet that was sold.

    Do yourself a favor - get off the yo yo string and read the links above. Do it right and you'll never have to do it again. I wish someone had helped me understand this 30 years ago.
  • awomaninsane
    awomaninsane Posts: 75 Member
    I've seen a copy of this diet at work. It was given to a colleague by one of family who had also been given it by a surgeon. This diet was given to an obese person who urgently needed to lose weight quickly before heart surgery.