Support & Motivation

Hello All ... I'm back after a while ... I've come to the realization that I really need to focus on me. My birthday has recently passed and it made me think about a lot of things ... Long story short, I'm taking a year to work on me. When I say that I mean that I am focusing all my energy and goals on me. There are 3 things in that category that are my focus, weightloss, decreasing debt, and building a relationship with God. I have 125 lbs to lose and I might not lose it all in a year, but this time next year I want to be pretty close. I know with hardwork and determination I can do anything. I think by taking this year to focus all on me, I will then be able to make better decisions in areas that I'm uncertain in ...

I will need all your support and motivation ... please add me as a friend and I look forward to getting to know you all.
