The Final Meltdown

smadag1 Posts: 1,368
edited September 20 in Health and Weight Loss
Good mornin ladies

Hope yall had a great weekend. My DH bought us a Wii on Friday so now I am on the hunt for a good Wii fit "game". I am soo excited:happy:

I did a weigh in today and I have meet my goal for this challange I am at 160.:drinker:

Hope yall have a great day:flowerforyou:


  • Silver_Dream
    Silver_Dream Posts: 1,630 Member
    Yay for meeting your goal! Congrats. Keep up the great work!
  • Ileanak
    Ileanak Posts: 343 Member
    You are a rock star, Smadag!

    Well, my weigh in isn't till Friday, and I am trying to be good about not peeking!

    I have the Wii fit, and it is fun, but I want to get the Wii Active Resort (I thing that is is)... it is fitness with fun!... or at least that is what it looks like!

    As for other games, I highly recommend the Raving Rabbids TV.. group and single games, some of which involve the fit board. Trust me.. a TON of fun!

    You know mi pic that has me wearing the bike helmet with the bunny ears? That was taked/modeled off of the Raving Rabbids TV game! LOL

    Let me know what you end up getting!

  • chrissyh
    chrissyh Posts: 8,235 Member
    Hey There! Been really busy with work - sorry I'm late....

    I don't think I actually set a # goal for this challenge - can't remember but I've done what I could do to get where I am so far....tomorrow is my 1 year anniversary of my new lifestyle - cannot believe it - I hopefully will say - 80 pounds by then - if not I know I've given it my best shot.

    I kicked my butt saturday - did 1 hour of strength training - then 1 hour on treadmill....well if that wasn't enough I walked/jogged another 5 miles after that! I swear I will break this plateau! I rested yesterday - just a short 20 minute walk but tonight will be 1 hour strength and 1 hour kickboxking or treadmill for a run - not sure yet.....but it's my "last chance" workout before my 1 year weigh in.

    I've been trying to increase my calories up to 1500 a day net - I think it's harder to increase without eating a bunch of junk than it ever was to cut out the junk and eat less....still a learning process...

    I've heard boxing on the Wii is really fun-haven't tried it. The Rabbids sounds fun and funny I'll have to look into that.

    Happy Monday!!!!
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