What happened to me??

Ok, here's the deal. I joined MFP in June and started losing right away, its was great! I got down to 114.5 a few weeks ago, and my goal weight is 110 so I was almost there. I took a three day holiday and def went overboard, eating basically whatever I want. When I came back, it showed, I was 118.5!! Almost back to my starting weight. I figured a lot of it was water weight and it would take less time to get back down to 114.5 then it did originally....but it's taking LONGER! I'm stuck bouncing around 116.5-117.5, no matter what I eat or work out.....what HAPPENED?? Any advice to kickstart my weight loss again so I can finalllyyyy get to the coveted maintainence stage?? :ohwell:

edit: Please don't tell me I don't need to lose weight. I am not tall and only 20 years old. I've been at 110 most of high school and college and it is a healthy, comfortable weight for me, I just ballooned up a little this year by being inactive and not eating right at all. Thanks for understanding guys :smooched:


  • dragonfly81
    dragonfly81 Posts: 272 Member
    Change up your exercise routine. Your body may be used to what you are doing. If you change it up, it'll kick into overdrive to catch up. Good luck!
  • Silver_Dream
    Silver_Dream Posts: 1,630 Member
    They say the last 10 lbs are the hardest. I don't have any advice, but I did want to say keep going. You might have hit a plateau and it might take some time. Good luck and keep working at it.
  • muimuimui
    muimuimui Posts: 113
    I went on an Alaskan cruise over the summer and a similar occurrence happened with me as well. I was literally two pounds away from my goal, but it took me until recently to finally get there.

    What helped me was identifying the little things that I might be cheating on. For me it was my breakfast. I love my cereal and never measured, figuring I was eating a cup. I think it was more like 2 1/2 when I think about it. Which added a lot more calories than necessary to my mornings, making weight loss a lot slower.

    Try picking small things that might be throwing you off? Change up your diet a little bit to kick up things?
  • Scubachick
    Im no expert by any stretch (see my ticker :embarassed: ) but my Weight Watcher leader says that a small change in diet/ exercise can push you over that plateau phase. Try switching from half fat to zero fat milk or dairy. Cut out bread for a week or two. Increase your exercise level a little. Get rid of that little cheat treat all together (just for a while anyways).

    I think I am your weight and heading for the same goal. :bigsmile:
  • nguill6
    nguill6 Posts: 133
    Take pictures/ measurements. If you're working out extra hard to get the lbs off you may be gaining muscle mass. Take some pictures along the way to keep track of what you look like and not just the number on the scale (as it can be deceiving). Good luck!
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,992 Member
    :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:

    The last ten pounds are the hardest. Take a good look at your food diary, consider making your diet even "cleaner"----eliminate dressings, sauces, processed foods, sugar. Be sure you are weighing and measuring everything.

    Drink more water:drinker: :drinker: :drinker:

    Never, never, never give up.:bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile:
  • Poison5119
    Poison5119 Posts: 1,460 Member
    Kroger --- I looked at your food diary for the last week, and I noticed something - and this is advice I give to everyone looking to get past the sticking places - you are over your fat grams every day except for two, some days you're SIGNIFICANTLY over.
    While I didn't view your exercise diary, I can tell you that if you try to stay well under your fats, you will see progress. Even if you eat all your exercise calores, and even go over your allowed calories, eliminating fat is a way to snap out of the slump.
    Try to remember that a gram of fat has 9 calories in it, while carbs, proteins, sugars, fibers, all have only 4 calories in them, so fat cals are not good, particularly if they're the BAD kind. HTH!