How do you keep yourself motivated?

I started MFP again just over a week ago. My first weigh-in was around 6pm last Monday. I was slightly less disciplined over the weekend but stuck with it the rest of the week and did fairly well. I weighed in 1st thing on Sunday morning and weighed in 9lbs lighter than when I started at 181lbs.

I knew this probably wasn't a true reflection of my loss due to weighing in at different times, and also, I knew it would probably take a day or two for the weekend to catch up with me.

My weigh-in this morning had me at 184 lbs, which although this is still 6 lbs lighter than my 1st weigh in when I started, I can't help but think I might have been exactly the same had I weighed mystery on Monday morning, instead of the Monday night.

I know that I need to try and stay fully committed, but am trying to allow myself an odd luxury or 2 at the weekend if I behave myself all week. I think I would find it easier to stay on track this way.

I was delighted on Sunday morning, but a little disappointed again this morning as I still feel I have worked hard the rest of the week.