Strengthening my brachioradialis.

Sahri21 Posts: 21 Member
My radius continually subluxates and my chiropractor told me I should strengthen this muscle because it is weak and allowing the bone to slip. I need to do this anyway because I'm a massage therapist and it tends to get dysfunctional if we don't take care of it.

So my question is, how do I find the proper exercise for it, and how many reps and sets should I do? How do I know how long to go? This has always been my problem with strength training, I don't know the reps and sets to see results!


  • glenette1
    glenette1 Posts: 140 Member
    I am a PT and the best way I strengthen the brachioradialis is to use a dumbbell eccentrically. The easiest exercise is to hold the arm in a neutral position (not supinated or pronated). Flex the elbow and slowly lower while maintaining neutral forearm position (thumb up). Dumbbells allow for the best eccentrics, which build strength the quickest but you could also do this exercise standing on a resistance band and curling up. Just remember to keep the forearm neutral. I usually start with 2 sets of 10 and work up to 3 sets. When it's fairly easy to complete the third set, increase your resistance. Be careful not to overdo it and end up with tendonitis. Good luck!