6'1 Athletic build male looking for New friends



  • portalm
    portalm Posts: 201 Member
    Awesome guys thanks for all the responses!
  • amandaa02
    amandaa02 Posts: 57 Member
    I joined this a few months ago with some friends.. Didnt really get into it.. but the past few weeks I have gotten some self motivation and Im ready to get this weight off.. Im not a fitness guru but I need motivation and encouragment.. In 2 weeks Ive lost 11 lbs just by watching what Ive been eating and drinking nothing but water.... Anyone want to add me thats fine..
  • KSHorne
    KSHorne Posts: 38 Member
    Welcome to MFP! I've been on this thing for a year and it has helped me out quite a bit. Feel free to add me if you like. That goes for any & everybody!! : )
  • i'm new to the site as well....trying to figure out how to navigate and track everything.....i am a gym rat and typically spend 2 hours a day/5 days a week at the gym and the rest of the time either at work or sleeping ;)....add me if you'd like!
  • doggiesnot
    doggiesnot Posts: 334 Member
    @doggiesnot, Ya my starting weight about 4 years ago was 359 at my Heaviest. I was engaged going to school full time and working 72 hours a week as a paramedic. hell living in miami fl was not cheap thats for sure. I broke it off with my fiance and after her started working out! ran 2 half marathons and got into a physical life. Im trying to get back down to about 210 but living out in the middle of no where makes it challenging with food options. so i joined to make better food decisions!

    That's an amazing amount of hard work! Impressive!

    As with all advice, everyone has their own spin on things. Many things are common, like drink lots of water, avoid soda, etc. Also, it looks like you're already doing very well on your own!

    For good food choices, I have to divert to the expert. Bob Harper has a new book, which I haven't bought yet, called The Skinny Rules. I've seen forum posts here on MFP about it, and it appears to be definitely worth a read!

    What I try and do, and has worked for me before:
    - Don't eat out
    - Don't eat processed "box" foods
    - In other words, cook from scratch and eat fresh fruits and veggies, etc.
    - Eat several smaller meals throughout the day, rather than 3 large meals. I try not to go 2-3 hours without nibbling on something, even baby carrots or celery.
    - Drink water regularly throughout the day

    Don't feel bad bringing a sack lunch, even if you're the only one doing it! There is no fast food that serves healthy options like home made.

    I hope this helps!