What works for you? What's your work out routine????

I read up on a lot of success stories and many ppl have made such a great transformation. What exercise do you guys use to slim down. I want to lose a good 30lbs. I'm down 4lbs so far but I am really getting bored with my normal routine. I need something fun and different. Share pleaseeee!!!


  • omma_to_3
    omma_to_3 Posts: 3,265 Member
    When I started, it was walking. I added distance, speed, incline, and finally hand weights to my walks to increase the calorie burn. Then I started the Couch to 5K running program. I can now run at LEAST 3.5 miles at a time, albeit slowly. I've recently added biking into my routine as well. And I find more daily activities. I play catch with the kids, or tag. Or take them to the batting cages.

    I'm currently training for a 10K this fall. I've found running to do the MOST to change my body shape and composition. But I love being more active. I'm planning to start some kind of strength training this fall and probably will try Wii Zumba soon too. If I had a pool you could swim laps in, I'd do that too.
  • nikkishai
    nikkishai Posts: 407 Member
    I've had much success with the following - but I still switch it up from time to time...

    TurboFire workout routine 4 days a week (either the listed schedule or at random)
    BodyPump weight class at 24HR Fitness on Mondays and/or Wednesdays
    TurboKick class at 24HR Fitness on Thursdays (if I have the guts)
  • When I started, it was walking. I added distance, speed, incline, and finally hand weights to my walks to increase the calorie burn. Then I started the Couch to 5K running program. I can now run at LEAST 3.5 miles at a time, albeit slowly. I've recently added biking into my routine as well. And I find more daily activities. I play catch with the kids, or tag. Or take them to the batting cages.

    I'm currently training for a 10K this fall. I've found running to do the MOST to change my body shape and composition. But I love being more active. I'm planning to start some kind of strength training this fall and probably will try Wii Zumba soon too. If I had a pool you could swim laps in, I'd do that too.

    I do walk alot but I haven't tried to add weights and incline to it. I haven't ran in so long, I'm scared to try.
  • I've had much success with the following - but I still switch it up from time to time...

    TurboFire workout routine 4 days a week (either the listed schedule or at random)
    BodyPump weight class at 24HR Fitness on Mondays and/or Wednesdays
    TurboKick class at 24HR Fitness on Thursdays (if I have the guts)

    My gym offers some fitness classes. I haven't taken any so far but I do want to. I need to manage my time better though.
  • nmf062174
    nmf062174 Posts: 171 Member
    M,W-Body Pump followed by Spin class or Sh'Bam
    T(if time permits)-Body Combat
    W-Body Pump
    Th-Work with trainer
    Fri-off or run
    Sat-run or Body Pump
    Sunday-Body Combat
  • nmf062174
    nmf062174 Posts: 171 Member
    Oh yes and I usually run at lunch too.
  • clover5
    clover5 Posts: 1,640 Member
    Well, today I swam laps. But I do lots of different cardio because I like it, but also, I think the variety keeps boredom away. So in recent weeks I have swam, ran - I'm registered for a 4 mile run on the 4th, played tennis, skateboard, step aerobics, and bike riding just to name a few off the top of my head. I'll do just about anything.
  • mkubisz
    mkubisz Posts: 3
    I can't really afford gyms and all that and also I hate running, i just can't bring myself to do it... So, what I came up with is a 1 hour workout that I do every day in my room to my favorite music :) It gets me pumped up and motivated when I'm exercising and singing the tunes at the same time. I usually lose about 606 calories during the workout (it's quite tough ^^) Let me know if you'd like to know what exercices I do or what music i do them to :)
    Also, i walk about 30 mins a day, just around my area also listening to music. 30 mins is really not that much, you can fit it into ur daily routine or maybe start walking to work instead of driving/taking a bus.
    I hope that helps :)) Feel free to message me anytime
  • juicemoogan
    juicemoogan Posts: 994 Member
    New Rules of Lifting for Women 3 times a week, and running on my off days.
  • Impy84
    Impy84 Posts: 430
    In all honesty i do mostly cardio. When i get to the gym i just do whatever i feel like that day. if it's the circuit then the treadmill so be it.
    Usually my cardio consists of 40-60 mins on the arc trainer then 30 on the treadmill
    some days i'll do the weight machines and squats on the smith machine some leg presses etc
    some days i just walk 5 miles at stone mountain. it's gotten me good results thus far so im sticking with it
  • mangojh2
    mangojh2 Posts: 175 Member
  • tizzie_14
    tizzie_14 Posts: 72
    Turbofire. <3
  • Ilovekickboxing.cOm is running a groupon nation wide. That's what i do for my fitness routine. It smoked calories and feels great. I've altogether lost 26 lbs since February. Good luck to you
  • CentralCaliCycling
    CentralCaliCycling Posts: 453 Member
    6 to 10 hours of riding a week minimum - gets you outside and lets the endorphin run without the knee issues running brings on.
  • ChaseAlder
    ChaseAlder Posts: 804 Member
    I'm a runner! All of my exercise on my off time is running, and at work my job entails heavy lifting so I get my strength training there. I really don't enjoy exercise just for the sake of burning calories... I run to improve my time and my cardiovascular strength/stamina. I enjoy the feeling of arriving where I'm going, 5 miles from home, and having done it all with my own body. It's empowering. I run road races every month during race season, and I'm training for my first half-marathon in October.

    Before I started running, my workouts of choice were turbo kickboxing and pilates. Alternating between the two made me so strong and toned... but alas, we moved out of state and there are no affordable pilates classes here, and the kickboxing at the YMCA here sucks.
  • quill16
    quill16 Posts: 373 Member
    I started out with 15 mins walking on the treadmill and have worked my way up to running at least an hour on the treadmill 5-6 days a week.(It's the only place I watch TV, the morning news) I also do an hour in the pool swimming laps or exercises for toning 6 days a week . I then do the hot tub for about 20 min, then my shower... I'm set for the day!. This is my everyday routine except on Sunday. I set this as a priority for me and make no committments to anyone else from 8AM to 11AM. It works for me.
  • alexis831
    alexis831 Posts: 469 Member
    I follow the body for life plan. I do it every couple of years to trim or tone up mostly after I give birth to lose the baby weight. This time my baby weight is gone from my 8 month old finally however I want to tone some more and gain some muscle now. I workout at home because I can’t afford a gym nor have time. I bought an elliptical on craigslist for 100.00 after my first baby and it works great. M/W/F I do cardio for only 20 min with maybe 5 min of abs after of crunches only. I do ladders for my cardio meaning I start out at level 1 for 1-3 min then level 2 for minute 3, level 3 for min 4, level 4 for min 5, level 5 for min 6 then back down to level 2 and so on until I hit 20 min. Doing ladders at any cardio workout can help you loose more fat then keeping the same pace or even slowly going up in pace. It jump starts your metabolism and your heart rate. My heart rate is usually around 190 bpm when I am done. Then I do weights T/TH/SAT for 20-30 min. Legs, Arms, Back. Sometimes I rollerblade too on Saturday for fun in the morning and sometimes even on Sundays. I do my core every day by doing crunches on the days I do cardio for just 5 min and a full core workout on the days I do weights meaning 5 or more abs/oblique exercises. Weights actually help burn a lot of calories and fat! Most people shy from them but its why my body fat is down to 18.4, shooting for around 16%. I also have a very strict diet and stay right under 1200 calories a day. I am only 5’1 and I don’t replace calories with food when I workout. Although its tough, now not as bad since my baby has been sleeping through the night and I have time now, its worth the work. If you do it right you can get by with only a 20-25min workout M/W/F and a 25-35 min workout T/TH/SAT. As long as its done in the right order with a good diet, with ladders, and with weights. Good luck all!
  • MizzDoc
    MizzDoc Posts: 493 Member
    I don't do gyms, as I prefer to workout at home or the outdoors. Like many on here, I started walking (seriously, not just recreational) over a year ago. As time went on, that got a little routine so I started C25K. After I finished C25K, I continued to run 3-4 times a week for 30 min or roughly 3 miles.

    When I am not running, walking, or doing some sort of intervals that combine both-- I work out at home. I have access to an elliptical machine which I use in place of running during inclement weather. Using On Demand videos through my cable system has been a blessing. I also do workout programs like Ten Minute Trainer (Tony Horton,Beach Body product); BeFitIn90 (found on youtube); and weekly weight lifting and ab workouts from sixpackfactory.com.

    When I can find a willing partner, I love to add tennis to the mix as well. Definitely keeps me on my toes.

    Basically, I do whatever my body wants to do. Some weeks my body lets me know I need to work on my cardio. Other times, it tells me I should work on core or upper body. But I try to ensure I have "options" so that I don't fall into a rut.

    One day, I *might* try insanity. LOL, but not yet!

    Hope this helps!
  • LizHowerton
    LizHowerton Posts: 329 Member
    I love Tae Bo.

    Do it atleast three times a week.

    Do circuit training atleast two days a week.

    The other two days....what I'm in the mood for ....usually tae bo or kick boxing or some outdoor activity weather permitting(hiking).

    I like Billy Blanks, Jeanette Jenkins, Chris Freytag and Jessica Smith DVD's....mix them up to try and make sure I hit all the body parts.
  • WOW! u guys all have great ideas thanks so much! i will try it all.