How do I still feel sexy?



  • KBUnleashed
    KBUnleashed Posts: 44 Member
    I usually get dressed up and go someplace. I never feel more sexy than when I lock eyes with a hot guy and flash a cute smile just to have him smile back or come up to say hi. Works every time!
  • Josette89
    Josette89 Posts: 244
    I know you have a goal, I have a goal, everyone has a goal. Just because you are not at your goal doesn't mean that you should be unhappy with yourself. If you have made the choice to do something about how you feel about yourself, that is an awesome step. Be proud! Know in your heart that you are determined to reach that goal and you WILL get there. But, hating yourself for not being there yet won't do much for your confidence, and in turn, low self esteem slows your determination. A wonderful way to boost confidence as well as exercise is to get all dressed up and sexy (not what the media would call sexy, but YOUR version of sexy), grab a good friend who supports you, and go dancing :D Go somewhere that you know you won't run into people you already know. I have fun in places where they play techno- ish music where I can dance like a crazy person and no one even judges you, but if that's not your style, just go somewhere where you can dance your heart out! Dancing brings on so much confidence. You have fun, you exercise, you look good doing it.... the equation for confidence and feeling great about yourself.
    PLUS, insecurity is a reflection of how people make you feel or have made you feel in the past, F*** all the haters out there and just live your life! :D
  • marie_cressman
    marie_cressman Posts: 980 Member
    I look at "before" pictures like others suggested which is why I stress to friends asking for my support with their weightloss to take pictures and document! :) and I look at myself in the mirror (sometimes naked and sometimes clothed... Lol) and say "there is not a DAMN thing wrong with me! Yes, I am overweight and I have many flaws, but I'm freakin awesome and beautiful!" and yes I really do say this. Lol love your body no matter the size or shape. :)
  • dyn3428
    dyn3428 Posts: 14
    The biggest part of sex and being/feeling sexy is in your head. It isn't so much about how you look on the outside, although it doesn't hurt to look like a supermodel, you can be sexy no matter how you look. Find something about your body that you like and feel great about it!!! It can be your eyes, your smile, maybe you have great skin...there has to be something you like. Play that up everyday, even if you have to fake it a little at first!!!!!