Calling all Mommies!

Hey ladies,

I'm a married, mother of two, holding two jobs and doing my absolute best to stay committed to losing weight! Super positive, very motivated, and I love the social aspect on here. I've used MFP off and on for a WHILE, but just buckled down almost a month ago and have really stuck to it! I'm looking for other moms out there that juggle kids, hubbies, work, cleaning......LIFE! I could always use motivation and I love to see others' diaries to get snack and meal ideas too!


  • Dhemeyer
    Dhemeyer Posts: 157 Member
    sending request NOW!:happy:
  • burtonhl
    burtonhl Posts: 57
    I'm in! I'll send a request STAT!
  • watermorg
    watermorg Posts: 7
    Roles are reversed in my family. My husband is a stay at home to our 11 week old baby girl. I work all day and come home and want to relieve him of his duties and spend time with her, as well as do my part to keep up the house. I feel guilty when I do take the time to work out! But I know I need to get fit to be a happy healthy me for all of us. Feel free to ad me
  • squirrleydoodle
    squirrleydoodle Posts: 58 Member
    feel free to add me!! im a mom of a 10month baby, full time job, hubby, and daily chores! i fit in my exercise during cartton time and sometimes use her as the weight for my weight squats lol. she seems to think its fun!
  • direwolfprincess
    direwolfprincess Posts: 261 Member
    Sent a request as I am in the same boat. Best of luck! :)
  • rubytOU
    rubytOU Posts: 154 Member
    I'm in also. Any mommies feel free to add me! Mom of a 3yr old monster boy!
  • mrsRhughes
    mrsRhughes Posts: 122
    I'm a stay at home mama (well, we're not home that much because we're always doing SOMETHING!) to two beautiful kids - my daughter is 7 and my son will be 2 in August. I'm a workout FREAK and health nut! I'm currently maintaining my weight (I'm 5'7" and 121-125 pounds depending on the day lol) and am finally SO happy to have 'abs'! I like to think I finally have a grasp on this whole "healthy lifestyle" thing and hope to be motivational! If you want to add me, send a request :) Good luck on achieving your goals!!
  • Vercell
    Vercell Posts: 437 Member
    You can add me I am a wife and mother of 4. I work full time.
  • rachey_v
    rachey_v Posts: 127 Member
    I don't work, but I am a Mum of a 4yr old and 5yr old and I look after my hubby who has health problems.. sending request :D
  • gomisskellygo
    gomisskellygo Posts: 635 Member
    Feel free to add me as well. Mom of two. Full time professional, part-time student, ect!
  • Christybenton
    Christybenton Posts: 4 Member
    Hi!! I'm a new mom myself. No hubby, but working full-time and trying to get the hang of the parenting thing. Your wecome to check my stuff out. May not find a whole lot of anything interesting, but sometimes it's helpful to have more positive people around to encourage you when you need it. :)
  • alyssa92982
    alyssa92982 Posts: 1,093 Member
    I'm a married mommy with 3 kiddos-work full time 3rd shift. Feel free to add me:-)
  • MrsPong
    MrsPong Posts: 580 Member
    you can add me.... I'm a mother of one beautiful little girl, i work 40 hours in the office and another 20 outside the office. my husband is a marine so hes gone all the time, hes finally stationed with us...but works every single weekend....

    I'm always there for support! I stay close to my friends on here.... We can do this!
  • senyosmom
    senyosmom Posts: 613 Member
    friend me if you want.... I am 29 (well for about another month), a wife, mother, full time employee and part time student!!! How do we do all this stuff?!
  • beklew159
    beklew159 Posts: 23 Member
    I, too, have been on and off MFP for a few years, but after the birth of my second child 7 weeks ago, I started buckling down and am trying to lose it again. I lost 70 pounds a few years ago and then gained it all back with my first pregnancy. It was a year and a half between pregnancies (my oldest was 2 yrs and 2 months when the new one was born) and I didn't lose a pound. So now, I am totally committed to not only losing the 70 pounds again, but more!! No excuses because now I have 2 little ones to show how to live healthy. :) Good luck to you. Let's do this!!!
  • DebbieJalowy
    I am also a mommy - to actually 3 children; 12 year old, 5 year old, and almost 2 year old. I have been using MFP for a couple of months, but really need to get motivated to stay on it. I have the same trouble as you and most moms do. I have a full time job, so does my husband. We have to come home, get dinner going, spend time with the kids, do some cleaning, and etc. And when school is in session.. Forget about it. lol
    The motivation factor is the hardest part for me. I have a friend that I am working with on this and we agreed to text each other when we have the urge to eat bad or feel lazy.. we try and motivate each other to stay on track. So far... we haven't had to do that - but I am sure there will be a time when it will be needed.
    I am all for hearing ideas and finding quick, simple & healthy meals to make - while making time to work out.
  • kariebo
    kariebo Posts: 101
    Full time working mommy with 3 all under 5 yrs... and a husband :) sending a request your way!
  • yannismom
    yannismom Posts: 18
    I'm married with three daughters (13, 8, and 7). I have found that eating better isn't as hard as I thought it would be (usually) but finding the time to work out is. Please add me so we can all keep in touch
  • complicatedmoves
    complicatedmoves Posts: 84 Member
    I'm a full-time working professional, full-time wife ( that should count as my second job), and a wonderful mother of a five year old (that should be my third job). Add me!
  • luvmyfmlyof5
    EVERYONE can add me too if they want. I work part time 3 days except when the boss goes out of town then 5 days I am 28 and a mommy of 3 kids they are 8, 4 and 2. I am on the go all the time with School, work, kids activities, church, and sports but I am officially taking accountability for my slacking! lol

    Hope to get to know a bunch of you! :)