
I added the exercise of kettlebell swing and lifts to the list. I read an article on a certain popular medical information website which studied the kettlebell workout.

(Not sure if I'm allowed to post the link so I'm going to err with caution and not do it.)

I'll condense it. The study was done with people experienced with the tool and there was good news to be had by all! The 20 minute workout burned 400 calories! This equates with running a 6 minute mile or cross country skiing uphill!!! Tomorrow I'm going to use my heart rate monitor which measures calorie burn within one's respective aerobic cardio rate. The term used is kCal's. I'll post the results afterwards.

It's not a panacea, it's just another weapon in your arsenal for good health!!! Rock on!!! Let's all continue to share things that benefit the community.

Love to all!!!!