
Has any one done p90x? What were your results? Did you follow the nutrition plan too? I have heard it is really intense... do you agree? How long are the workouts? I am considering buying the workout dvds but wanted some feedback from someone with first hand experience. Thanks!


  • sandy429
    sandy429 Posts: 2,779 Member
    P90X is a program that will work if you do. I've done it four times and love it. My body fat is in the single digits, and I'm in better shape now at 37 than I was in my 20s.

    I did follow the nutrition plan, not the recipes, but the carb/protein/fat percentages. I use MFP to keep track of it all. Nutrition is vital no matter what workout you choose to do. You could run a marathon every day, but if your diet consists of garbage (or if you don't eat enough), you will not see results.

    I'm a Beachbody Coach, so let me know if you have questions. I have been there!
  • seachelle
    seachelle Posts: 69 Member
    Joa-I have done P90X several times. My first time I lost 20 lbs. This is not typical as it's not a weight loss program but a muscle building program. Many people do lose weight doing it however. The first time I did the program I did the potion plan. I have done a round of it foloowing the nutrition guide as well and the food is good. Some of it takes prep to fix but if you plan ahead it's doable. The workouts are all 60 min except for Yoga and it's 90 min. Ab ripper is 15 min. If you have any questions feel free to ask.

  • staceyw37
    staceyw37 Posts: 2,094 Member
    dh is almost done with round 1 following the lean schedule. he does not follow the diet. he is very faithful to the workouts, tho and has definitely incr his muscles!! and lost some pounds too.

    he looks better now than he has in years.
  • joa827
    Thanks for your replies. I am used to working out pretty hard and do not consider myself a "beginner" in the work of exercise. I really enjoy running. Do you think it is possible to do the p90x program and keep up on my running? I am training for a 1/2 right now but after October it will be more recreational running 3-6 miles/ day. Thanks for your help!
  • sandy429
    sandy429 Posts: 2,779 Member
    There are a couple of workouts I wouldn't do the same days you run -- Plyometrics and Legs & Back. You could also substitute running for the KenpoX workout.