40+, F, empty-nester (kind of) and have over 50# to lose...


I've kept one resolution for 2012....I haven't smoked since 12/31/11! I had been a smoker for over 30 years, except when I was pregnant, of course....

Shortly afterward Jan. 1st., I found MFP and started working on diet and exercise....I even completed a 10k walk with friends from work.

By late March I had lost about 15 lbs., which was less than I had hoped, but I was okay with that.

Then other family emergencies and obligations crept in....I stopped using MFP and stopped exercising. Now I'm back to where I started with the weight...and it's too darn hot outside to exercise!

I joined a gym close to work last week and today was my "orientation." I think this is really going to be a very good thing for me....I loved my workout this morning and how energetic I felt when I got to work. Still.....by lunchtime I wanted FOOD and a nap!

If you can relate to any of this, and would like to be friends on MFP...please add me and let me know how to add you, too. I need all the help/support I can get, and I am a GREAT cheerleader for others! I am determined to be at or below 200 by the end of this year......


  • triheart
    triheart Posts: 22 Member
    Hi lorelei! My name is Missy (aka "triheart"). Feel free to add me to your friends list if you like (in the MFP app, click on "Friends" at the bottom, then "Friends" at the top, then "Add a Friend" at the bottom. If you enter "triheart", the request will be sent to me).

    I'm also a 40+ F. I'm not an empty nester yet, though! My doctor told me that all my weight gain was attributed to going past that golden 40 mark, plus I started working 3rd shift a couple years ago (as a respiratory therapist - congrats on stopping smoking by the way!). Basically, these things, in addition to normal stress of being a single momma, means my metabolism has went out the window, and I started packing on the weight. I've gained 50, but my weight loss goal is 60.

    My doctor told me that in addition to eating less and the cardio workouts, it's also very important to weight/strength train to help rebuild that metabolism. So, I started April 27 eating about 1400 calories per day and working out about twice per week (cardio plus strength training each time). Now, I eat 1200 calories per day and go to the gym every other day (the gym always makes me feel energetic!). I've lost 27 pounds so far...almost halfway there!

    Getting started really is the hardest part (well, that and when you plateau despite your efforts - that's where I am now!). It does get easier though, and MFP is a great tool! Good luck to you!!