Keep Your Food Interesting: Wacky Food Facts!

ZenVen Posts: 8
> There are just some days that I really dread the thought of eating carrots, or long for dream of eating an over-the-moon BK Burger instead of my yummy tofu-burgers. I knwo I'm not alone, either. I have talked with several people who have to keep a firm hold on their mettle and make the "good" decisions. One of the ways that I have been able to do this for so long is simple! I keep my food interesting!
> For instance, the next time you think about snacking on some carrots, remember this neat fact: Carrots that were found in nature, before being cultivated by farmers, were originally Purple! The Purple colour, however, was deemed 'unapatizing' to the masses and was bread out of the original stock with the smaller, white, wild carrots.
> How about your Eggplants? In fact they aren't a vegetable at all, they're Berries! Known as the "crazy apple" in Italy, and originating in India, it is considered the "King of Vegetables."
> Do any of you have any crazy food facts?