

  • Drakonhold
    Drakonhold Posts: 3 Member
    I think logging in forever is a good idea--at least periodically after reaching goal just to keep touch with how I'm doing.

    I lost the same 50 lbs of weight I'm working to lose again now 4 years ago and thought I was done. I kept those lbs off for over a year, then gained it all back. If I'd tracked what I was eating every day (or at least every now and again), I'd realize I how far down that slippery slope I'd slipped and probably would've caught myself before ALL the weight was back.
  • fabafter5
    fabafter5 Posts: 200 Member
    I'm not sure if I will log in forever. I too get a little addicted to the weighing/ measuring logging etc. I reached my goal weight doing WW. Since I am a Lifetime member I just have to weigh in monthly and be within 2lbs of my goal weight and it is free. I was able to maintain this until I had another baby. If I get on the scale and I'm up a couple lbs I go back to weighing/measuring my portions. The monthly weighin helps keep me on track w/o the addictiveness. ( Is that a word)?
  • Erisad
    Erisad Posts: 1,580
    I probably will log forever even if I reach my goal weight to keep myself on track. >.<
  • carld256
    carld256 Posts: 855 Member
    I think I've already proven that left to my own devices I'll overeat. Of course I'll rationalize it and say "One time," "Once in a while," "I'm just eating when I'm hungry," etc. etc., but I'll probably have the same result. So, I expect I'll probably log my food for a long time. If I'm stable for a long stretch once I hit my goal weight I'll consider not logging, but I'll probably continue to weigh myself every morning. I'd rather be paranoid than nearly 300lbs again.

    Edit: And if I do end up logging my food forever, that's okay with me. I'd rather log and be healthy than not.
  • HelloSweetie4
    HelloSweetie4 Posts: 1,214 Member
    I never planned to do this forever, just until I got into maintainence and stayed there for a while. However, I have met some awesome people on here and I love the threads, so I may stay on forever (or at least until I'm too old to use the computer). I'm on it more than facebook now and I love the day counter. I get so excited when I know a new count is coming up. Tomorrow will be my 100th day! :bigsmile:
  • mrsRhughes
    mrsRhughes Posts: 122
    I've kept a food journal for YEARS (written before I found online sites like this!) so yes, this is something I plan on doing "forever". I have met and am past my goal, but have found that to maintain the healthy LIFESTYLE that is needed in order to keep the body I want, I NEED to be aware of EVERY little thing that I put into it. So I will definitely always use SOME kind of logging/tracking to make sure I'm doing the right thing :) I'm OCD about my food as well, so while I *think* I could keep it up without actually logging, I am kind of AFRAID that something would go wrong! lol