My 6 year old does not like meat....

KZOsMommy Posts: 854 Member
so I was wondering if anyone has some really good recipes with beans. She has food allergies so I have to be careful with what she eats but if you give me a recipe I can make it to fit was she can eat (she is allergic to soy (protein), wheat, corn (protein) and any kind of nut/peanut that one is deadly for her).

She does eat sunflower seed butter and she likes chili. I am getting worried about her nutrition with all the allergies and now her disliking meat.

Thank you in advance for all the help :drinker:


  • pkgirrl
    pkgirrl Posts: 587
    Will she drink milk? If so, I'd invest in some whey protein. You can even blend it with a little ice cream, fresh or frozen fruit/ berries, and some milk, and it comes in alll kinds of good flavors.
  • ittybittybadonkadonk
    ittybittybadonkadonk Posts: 11,634 Member
    so I was wondering if anyone has some really good recipes with beans. She has food allergies so I have to be careful with what she eats but if you give me a recipe I can make it to fit was she can eat (she is allergic to soy (protein), wheat, corn (protein) and any kind of nut/peanut that one is deadly for her).

    She does eat sunflower seed butter and she likes chili. I am getting worried about her nutrition with all the allergies and now her disliking meat.

    Thank you in advance for all the help :drinker:
    i have a recipe for teriyaki tofu ... not sure if she will like it but i am a very picky eater and i love it
  • weasleman42
    My mother-in-law reads this for ideas:
  • BrendaLee
    BrendaLee Posts: 4,463 Member
    One tip I've read for children who won't eat meat- make sure they take a multivitamin (for iron), and have them take it with a glass of orange juice to aid in absorption.
  • KZOsMommy
    KZOsMommy Posts: 854 Member
    Thank you for all the help!!!

    kimiquious- The whey protein is a GREAT idea as she loves smoothies so I could add that to it!

    BrendaLee- She is on a multivitamin and thank you for the orange juice idea too :smile:

    weasleman42- I will go and check out that website Thank you :flowerforyou:

    megan38- Thank you for the idea, she is VERY allergic to soy so tofu is out. :drinker:

    Amanda :bigsmile:
  • ilike2moveit
    ilike2moveit Posts: 776 Member
    Does she have big tonsils? All 4 of my children disliked meat because they couldn't swallow it. After they had their tonsils removed they were able to eat meat and enjoy it. It's a tough one if she just plain doesn't like the taste of it. Good luck.:drinker:
  • czewwhat
    czewwhat Posts: 8,715
    so I was wondering if anyone has some really good recipes with beans. She has food allergies so I have to be careful with what she eats but if you give me a recipe I can make it to fit was she can eat (she is allergic to soy (protein), wheat, corn (protein) and any kind of nut/peanut that one is deadly for her).

    She does eat sunflower seed butter and she likes chili. I am getting worried about her nutrition with all the allergies and now her disliking meat.

    Thank you in advance for all the help :drinker:

    If she likes chili, add your meat, finely ground and cooked to the chili! I find letting a child decide too much makes you a short order cook. No child will starve their selves for long, I say cook for her and give her what you want her to eat. She does not eat it, her choice, no snacks to make up for food rejection, she will eat when she knows that is it! Heck I would refuse to eat too if I thought someone would make me a Smoothie, equal to ice cream to a kid!
  • BrendaLee
    BrendaLee Posts: 4,463 Member
    so I was wondering if anyone has some really good recipes with beans. She has food allergies so I have to be careful with what she eats but if you give me a recipe I can make it to fit was she can eat (she is allergic to soy (protein), wheat, corn (protein) and any kind of nut/peanut that one is deadly for her).

    She does eat sunflower seed butter and she likes chili. I am getting worried about her nutrition with all the allergies and now her disliking meat.

    Thank you in advance for all the help :drinker:

    If she likes chili, add your meat, finely ground and cooked to the chili! I find letting a child decide too much makes you a short order cook. No child will starve their selves for long, I say cook for her and give her what you want her to eat. She does not eat it, her choice, no snacks to make up for food rejection, she will eat when she knows that is it! Heck I would refuse to eat too if I thought someone would make me a Smoothie, equal to ice cream to a kid!

    It can actually be quite detremental to a child to force them to eat. As long as mom is making sure her daughter's getting adequate nutrition, there's no need to force her to eat meat if she doesn't want to. Trust me, when they're little we worry so much because they won't eat, but when they get a little older, we're praying they wouldn't eat so much!
  • czewwhat
    czewwhat Posts: 8,715
    so I was wondering if anyone has some really good recipes with beans. She has food allergies so I have to be careful with what she eats but if you give me a recipe I can make it to fit was she can eat (she is allergic to soy (protein), wheat, corn (protein) and any kind of nut/peanut that one is deadly for her).

    She does eat sunflower seed butter and she likes chili. I am getting worried about her nutrition with all the allergies and now her disliking meat.

    Thank you in advance for all the help :drinker:

    If she likes chili, add your meat, finely ground and cooked to the chili! I find letting a child decide too much makes you a short order cook. No child will starve their selves for long, I say cook for her and give her what you want her to eat. She does not eat it, her choice, no snacks to make up for food rejection, she will eat when she knows that is it! Heck I would refuse to eat too if I thought someone would make me a Smoothie, equal to ice cream to a kid!

    It can actually be quite detremental to a child to force them to eat. As long as mom is making sure her daughter's getting adequate nutrition, there's no need to force her to eat meat if she doesn't want to. Trust me, when they're little we worry so much because they won't eat, but when they get a little older, we're praying they wouldn't eat so much!

    I never said force her to do anything! I said cook for her give her your choices and let her decide! Trying to be a short order cook for a picky child lets the child know they are in charge. Be your childs parent, not their friend! She can choose to eat or not to eat! I never said force anything. Rewarding her with a nice icecream smoothie for refusing to eat is not a good choice! Have you seen the cookbook for picky eaters? it tells you how to disguise vegetables for picky eaters! Is that forcing them?
  • sarahfaisalak
    okay here is the recipe of beans,
    boil beans,
    drain all the water once beans are tender,
    then put ome oil in pan,
    cut onions, add whatever spices you want..little bit of tomatoes...and
    then beans....
    you can add little bit of shredded cheese on it, and serve with her favorite chips(lays)

    i hope she gonna like it,
    it will be dried but very nutritionous, and you can add any other veggie she likes.

  • BrendaLee
    BrendaLee Posts: 4,463 Member
    so I was wondering if anyone has some really good recipes with beans. She has food allergies so I have to be careful with what she eats but if you give me a recipe I can make it to fit was she can eat (she is allergic to soy (protein), wheat, corn (protein) and any kind of nut/peanut that one is deadly for her).

    She does eat sunflower seed butter and she likes chili. I am getting worried about her nutrition with all the allergies and now her disliking meat.

    Thank you in advance for all the help :drinker:

    If she likes chili, add your meat, finely ground and cooked to the chili! I find letting a child decide too much makes you a short order cook. No child will starve their selves for long, I say cook for her and give her what you want her to eat. She does not eat it, her choice, no snacks to make up for food rejection, she will eat when she knows that is it! Heck I would refuse to eat too if I thought someone would make me a Smoothie, equal to ice cream to a kid!

    It can actually be quite detremental to a child to force them to eat. As long as mom is making sure her daughter's getting adequate nutrition, there's no need to force her to eat meat if she doesn't want to. Trust me, when they're little we worry so much because they won't eat, but when they get a little older, we're praying they wouldn't eat so much!

    I never said force her to do anything! I said cook for her give her your choices and let her decide! Trying to be a short order cook for a picky child lets the child know they are in charge. Be your childs parent, not their friend! She can choose to eat or not to eat! I never said force anything. Rewarding her with a nice icecream smoothie for refusing to eat is not a good choice! Have you seen the cookbook for picky eaters? it tells you how to disguise vegetables for picky eaters! Is that forcing them?

    Calm down, Woman! lol Gosh if you add one more exclamation point my head is going to burst.
  • czewwhat
    czewwhat Posts: 8,715
    so I was wondering if anyone has some really good recipes with beans. She has food allergies so I have to be careful with what she eats but if you give me a recipe I can make it to fit was she can eat (she is allergic to soy (protein), wheat, corn (protein) and any kind of nut/peanut that one is deadly for her).

    She does eat sunflower seed butter and she likes chili. I am getting worried about her nutrition with all the allergies and now her disliking meat.

    Thank you in advance for all the help :drinker:

    If she likes chili, add your meat, finely ground and cooked to the chili! I find letting a child decide too much makes you a short order cook. No child will starve their selves for long, I say cook for her and give her what you want her to eat. She does not eat it, her choice, no snacks to make up for food rejection, she will eat when she knows that is it! Heck I would refuse to eat too if I thought someone would make me a Smoothie, equal to ice cream to a kid!

    It can actually be quite detremental to a child to force them to eat. As long as mom is making sure her daughter's getting adequate nutrition, there's no need to force her to eat meat if she doesn't want to. Trust me, when they're little we worry so much because they won't eat, but when they get a little older, we're praying they wouldn't eat so much!

    I never said force her to do anything! I said cook for her give her your choices and let her decide! Trying to be a short order cook for a picky child lets the child know they are in charge. Be your childs parent, not their friend! She can choose to eat or not to eat! I never said force anything. Rewarding her with a nice icecream smoothie for refusing to eat is not a good choice! Have you seen the cookbook for picky eaters? it tells you how to disguise vegetables for picky eaters! Is that forcing them?

    Calm down, Woman! lol Gosh if you add one more exclamation point my head is going to burst.

    okay, 23 years as a daycare provider makes me passionate about kids. no exclamation points. just good choices offered. letting your child be acknowledged as a picky eater is like commiting kitchen suicide. "Oh he is so pickey" you might as well say "Oh he is so in charge of this house" Moms know what their kids need. That is what I meant. Be the mom. the child will eat.
  • KZOsMommy
    KZOsMommy Posts: 854 Member
    sarahfaisalak- Thank you for the recipe!

    As for cooking for her and letting her eat or not eat is not as easy as it sounds in this house hold. I do NOT make ice cream smoothies. They are made out of plain organic yogurt, fruit and some honey. I will not make her choose to eat or not eat because of her allergies. I give her choices between two things. I know that most people would not want to be a short order cook but for me that is my life. My child has really bad food allergies and if something does not make her feel well or she is telling me she does not like it (due to what she has done in the past) it means other things for her then it would to a picky eater. In all honesty if she did not have so many allergies I think she would be a GREAT eater. She likes to try new foods. I don't think in her case this is just a picky eater. Thank you czewwhat and BrendaLee for your advice :flowerforyou:

    For the lady with the advice about the tonsils (sorry I can no longer see your post where I am typing now) she had her tonsils out about three years ago. But now that you say that maybe that is why my youngest is not that fond of eating meat. She does eat it but would much rather having something else if she can! Thank you for the help :flowerforyou:
  • katznketo
    katznketo Posts: 323 Member
    Neither does mine.

    He loves beans and eats a lot. They are an incomplete protein, or so I've been told, so I always make sure he eats it with a flour tortilla or a corn one. Also rice replaces this. It's actually very healthy.

    Also, there are eggs, cheese, milk. You might think I'm crazy. But he is doing so much better now that I rinse his nose with saline solution morning and night. The allergies are almost gone. Hope this helps. kc
  • katznketo
    katznketo Posts: 323 Member
    I read the post on iron vitamins. Please be careful having children's vitamins with iron in the house. If a child gets too much iron is is deadly.
    I'd rather get it too them through food. But that's me. hope this helps, kc
  • KZOsMommy
    KZOsMommy Posts: 854 Member
    Thank you Kc! :flowerforyou: Yes her vitamins do not have Iron in them for that reason. I have a son with autism and if got a hold of them he would eat the whole bottle so for his safety and my peace of mind they are iron free vitamins. With your sons allergies are they seasonal or food? Just wondering if the saline would help my daughter since it is food allergies and not seasonal.

  • ilike2moveit
    ilike2moveit Posts: 776 Member
    I think the nose rinse is for seasonal allergies and not food allergies.
  • KZOsMommy
    KZOsMommy Posts: 854 Member
    That is what I thought but I was not sure. Thank you :happy:
  • leavinglasvegas
    My daughter was not a fan of meat either. It never bothered me because I dislike meat as well, but if you eat meat, I can see how it can make dinnertime difficult. I'm sure she is not being picky and as a a person who lived with an eating disorder for most of my life, I would never suggest letting a child choose between eating something they don't like or not eating at all. Not saying she has an ED, it just actually hurts me to hear that advice....I understand what it feels like to be called picky. Being a part of the meal preparation as well as menu planning is more beneficial to the child.

    I recommend checking out They have more than 10,000 recipes. put kids in the search box and I think there are 15 pages of recipes. They are so yummy, you may end up going veg as well!

    If she likes chilli but not meat you can try replacing the meat with Lentils....same goes for tacos and sloppy joes....any recipe that calls for ground meat.

    Here is a recipe for Veggie burgers:

    Ingredients ◦1 c dry lentils, well rinsed
    ◦2½ c water
    ◦½ t salt
    ◦1 T olive oil
    ◦½ medium onion, diced
    ◦1 medium carrot, diced
    ◦½ t pepper
    ◦1 t soy sauce, optional
    ◦¾ c rolled oats, finely ground
    ◦¾ c bread crumbs

    Directions Place the lentils, water, and salt in saucepan, bring to a boil, lower heat, cover, and simmer for about 45 minutes, until water is nearly gone and lentils are very soft, with splitting skins.
    Sauté the onion and carrot in oil until soft, about 5 minutes.

    Mix the lentils, onions, carrots, pepper, and optional soy sauce in the large bowl, then mix in the ground oats and bread crumbs.

    While still warm, form the lentil mixture into patties, which can now be frozen, refrigerated (for up to 5 days), or cooked immediately.

    Cooking (2 possibilities):

    1.In a frying pan, heat a bit of oil, place a burger on top, and fry until brown, 1-2 minutes. Repeat on other side and serve.
    2.In a 400º oven, bake the burgers on a greased baking sheet until light brown, about 15 minutes.
  • czewwhat
    czewwhat Posts: 8,715
    I did not say eat what she does not like or not eat!

    Read more carefully I said offer her choices and let it be what you offer! Studies prove after offering a child the same foods over a long period of time on or about the 12th or 13th time offering, say broccoli, the child will recognize it as a familiar thing and eat it. No force involved!

    My best friend has a daughter who did not like meat, then lentils and them hummus, then etc, etc. at 23 she weighed 87 pounds and had a heart attack! Good eating habits are formed as a child. choices is what I said. not cater to the "Pickey eater"
    Only you know your child. Healthy choices is what I said and stand by that advice. She will not starve herself, the fact you are on this site is proof enough you know what healthy choices are.