513 calorie steak fajitas!

Heather_Rider Posts: 1,159 Member
i JUST started this recipe album TODAY!

On my facebook page, i have a recipe album complete with pics, but its more of a 'southern cookin" album.. this new one is a low cal recipe album and i will be added with each recipe i make!

I dont know how to post pics here, (if you know, help me!) but in the mean time.. here is the link to my NEW recipe album, complete with picture and picture of the calories, per MFP!

The recipe today is Steak Fajitas (513 calories) and tomorrow i will be adding chicken parm with brown rice and a large salad for 543 calories!

Hope you enjoy! <3http://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.463572503653329.114646.100000017493404&type=3