I'm thinking about eating clean and dont have an idea where to start? Does any one have any tips, pointers, and receipes they would like to share. ? thank you


  • Acg67
    Acg67 Posts: 12,142 Member
    I'm thinking about eating clean and dont have an idea where to start? Does any one have any tips, pointers, and receipes they would like to share. ? thank you
  • shannabelende
    shannabelende Posts: 3 Member
    Hi! I started eating clean by reading Eat Clean by Tosca Reno.
  • haylesmom
    haylesmom Posts: 33 Member
    Tosca Reno's books, I get them from the library, is a good place to get the who what where WHY and when of information on clean eating. A quick tip is to read all ingredients labels, if you can't pronounce it and don't know what it is don't buy it. Also (for the most part) if there's more then 5 ingredients on the label don't get it. Shop the perimeter of the store. No white sugars, white flours and watch for added salt (sea salt is good though). Eat things that came from a mother or nature, nothing processed. And I've learned that even if the label says "natural" or "organic" it doesn't mean it's good for you, read the ingredient label...even on roaster chickens! I cook up a roaster chicken or a turkey then make a soup from the drippings and such and add all sorts of veggies to it (no noodles unless I buy rice noodles, quinoa or brown rice is good with it too). Smoothies are great way to have a quick balanced meal. I add frozen fruit, quick oats, Greek yogurt, agave nector and a splash of skim milk. Every meal should contain a complex carbohydrate (oatmeal, rice, fruit, veggies) and a protien (lean meats or nuts). Also six small meals are key. That should get you started :-) feel free to friend me
  • tolygal
    tolygal Posts: 602 Member
    I've read the following books that support eating more whole, minimally processed foods that haven't been bombarded with hormones, steroids, pesticides, etc. Depending on your definition of "eating clean," you will learn a lot starting here (at least I have).

    Tosca Reno's books were the first that I read and I found really helpful
    Master Your Metabolism (even though I'm not a huge Jillian fan)
    The Happiness Diet

    There were more, but I can't remember them right now.

    I'm just starting to read The Carnivore's Dilemma - I have no idea what it's all about yet, but so far what I read while eating my breakfast this morning, it seems interesting.

    I'd check them out from the library so you don't have to spend a lot of money on them.
  • niss63
    niss63 Posts: 82 Member
    I'm thinking about eating clean and dont have an idea where to start? Does any one have any tips, pointers, and receipes they would like to share. ? thank you


    Good article containing good advice without all of orthorexic hype.
  • cibilbee
    cibilbee Posts: 47 Member
    I am working on getting into this too. I read the complete idiots guide to clean eating and got a lot of good information but honestly you can find that all online. I would recommend The Best of Clean Eating Cookbook (some recipes can be found online). Everything I've tried is amazing and I have told many people if I knew the food was this good I would have started a long time ago.