Knee giving out?

I started to work out more "hardcore" than I ever have today. I worked with a personal trainer and did some squats, sumo squats with a 15# weight, lunges, and a few machines for ab work. My knees (mostly left) has been trying to give out since I did the lunges today. I walked downstairs to change the laundry and thought I was going to fall. Upstairs isn't bad, just going down. Should I be concerned or see if it resolves itself?


  • tkdgirlms
    tkdgirlms Posts: 73
    Have you ever had trouble before? It could just be soreness from the squats and such and will go away in a couple of days. However, if you've had the issue off and on before without doing squats, you might want to get it checked out. I've had knee surgery 3 times on the same knee, so I feel your pain.
  • crobl
    crobl Posts: 380
    I started to work out more "hardcore" than I ever have today. I worked with a personal trainer and did some squats, sumo squats with a 15# weight, lunges, and a few machines for ab work. My knees (mostly left) has been trying to give out since I did the lunges today. I walked downstairs to change the laundry and thought I was going to fall. Upstairs isn't bad, just going down. Should I be concerned or see if it resolves itself?

    Assuming that there are no point of injury (falling, twisting, etc...) this can be as simple as fatigue. It happens to me sometimes when I have a heavy lift day or add time when I run stairs. I like the feeling (weird, I know) because in my body it means that I've pushed myself past what I have done before.

    BUT, if it continues or worsens, see a doctor!
  • neverstray
    neverstray Posts: 3,845 Member
    I just ran a half marathon with no problem. I waited a week, and decided to start strengthening my legs via squats and plyometrics. My knees are now destroyed and I cannot run. I can barely run 3 miles before I get really bad sharp pain. I'm not sure what that's all about, but I'd rather run than do squats anyway.
  • stacieduncan
    I just recently had knee surgery due to a torn meniscus, not really sure how I did it, but I did the same thing, my knee was giving out on me, and found it was torn working out now three months after the surgery, and my knee has been bothering me again... The trainer said to take it easy and ride the bicycle and do elipitcal, but not the treadmill for now, as it is worse on your knee, and he said definitely no squats or weights right now..maybe you should ease up just a little and see how it feels - good luck!
  • johnnys30
    johnnys30 Posts: 64 Member
    If its a new exercise give it a couple days to work the soreness out. It sounds like you are using new muscles or in different ways and its fatigue similar to your first day back to lifting if you haven't done it in awhile.
  • Beezil
    Beezil Posts: 1,677 Member
    I think that's pretty normal when you're pushing yourself extremely hard. It happens to me sometimes. If you're feeling any kind of pain though or difficulty in moving it (like limited range of motion due to pain or stiffness) I would talk to your doctor.
  • bringit30
    bringit30 Posts: 103 Member
    In high school I did sports. I tore my ACL and menincus and had surgery. My knee gave out on me several times before I had my surgery. I had to be careful. It felt as though my kneecap was going to go out through the back of my leg...
  • cristileigh
    cristileigh Posts: 158 Member
    I did the same...on the treadmill running. I haven't been the same for 3 weeks now. I have had one therapy session and seem to be improving. I have tendonitis and bursitis. NOT FUN!!!!

    Tendonitist is causing sharp pains just under my knee cap and the bursitis is on the inside part of my knee and I can't put any heavy weight on my leg without it feeling like its giving out.
  • KM11102011
    KM11102011 Posts: 41
    Stretch consistently; never underestimate the power of a warm-up and recover. Think pro-athletes, gymnast, ballerinas...
  • ebonijo2
    ebonijo2 Posts: 73
    You might need to see someone if it continues. I suggest if your doing squats/lunges try not to go so deep because thats just going to make it worse in the long run and your going to end up having to have surgery. We get patients in our office all the time like that and sometimes your muscles surrounding your knee joint are not strong enough to handle the load your putting on it. So just be mindful and listen to your knee.
  • dvisser1
    dvisser1 Posts: 788 Member
    I started to work out more "hardcore" than I ever have today. I worked with a personal trainer and did some squats, sumo squats with a 15# weight, lunges, and a few machines for ab work. My knees (mostly left) has been trying to give out since I did the lunges today. I walked downstairs to change the laundry and thought I was going to fall. Upstairs isn't bad, just going down. Should I be concerned or see if it resolves itself?

    Most likely this is fatigue. Going down stairs is harder than people think because you have to control your descent and absorb impact when your foot lands. If this continues or gets worse (especially if it gets worse without more exercise) go see an orthopedic or sports medicine doctor for a knee exam.

    Done with proper form and not over fatiguing the muscles, squats and lunges (I prefer back step lunges to forward step / walking lunges) are great for strengthening your legs and joints using little more than body weight.

    I've been through PT for a knee where the knee cap would dislocate sideways (to the outside of my knee) when running. At the point of foot impact, pop out and back in. Therapist had me doing squats, back step lunges to avoid the impact of forward step, and balance exercises. Standing leg raises, both front and side (both out and in to train the abductor and adductor muscles) while standing on a foam mat really works the small muscles than stabilize joints and help balance. Warm muscle stretching is also highly recommended.