Hellooooo :)

Hello, my name is Breanne. I want to get *back* into shape. I used to do competative dancing but quite 3 years ago do to having to get a job. I was 145lbs when I was dancing and I am now 190. My goal weight is 150. About 2 months ago I was 196 so im well on my way but I want faster results and noticable ones. I started going to the pool at least 3 mornings a week but thats more to get my mom out, we water walk and swim in the deep end with pool noodles. Then 2 nights a week I go to a workout class, a 20/20/20 class which is 20 mins cardio (step) 20 mins weight training and 20 mins body sculpting and then a body sculpting class. I believe this is what cause me to loose the 6lbs. I currently have a poor diet, its not that I eat really bad food all the time, I just eat a lot lol and i love carbs. Im hoping MFP will help me with this problem and that some of you will continue to yell at me when I eat to many carbs lol.

Thanks everyone <3