Eaitng Back Calories



  • Amaek469
    Amaek469 Posts: 3 Member
    Hi, Despite having been ridiculed on my first ever post by a few for sharing what I was advised I'll take a chance and respond to yours since nobody else has. (Hopefully I wont get laid into again.) It's my understanding that when you don't eat back your calories that you run the risk of your body going into "starvation mode" since it's not getting the minimal # of calories needed to maintain itself. When that happens it decides to start storing calories consumed as fat instead of burning fat which is probably counter to what you are trying to accomplish. That's the basics anyway.
  • Amaek469
    Amaek469 Posts: 3 Member
    This is my understanding as well. I think you should listen to your body. On certain days if I've been very active and I am hungry I'll be sure to eat again to stay satisfied. I do try to never, ever go under the base calorie limit for nutrition, which I've read is 1200 calories a day. That's probably low for me because I'm 6' tall, but again, I listen to my body.

    My MFP calories is 1400 per day. If I burn 600 additional calories I try to eat back 400 of those so that I don't go under the 1200 minimum for nutrition. See what I mean? 1400 - 600 = 800 so I eat 400 so my 800 + 400 = 1200 for base nutrition.

    Here's a major thing to remember: Drink lots of water! Thirst aften disguises itself as hunger. Thanks for your post!
  • MzStarrQueenB
    MzStarrQueenB Posts: 194 Member
    Okay, I know there's probably like a million threads about this, but it's not a should I or shouldn't I type of board.
    I was wondering, what are the benefits/needs of eating back calories, and what happens if I DON'T eat back calories I burn?

    I wonder, because I don't. I eat about 1650 calories a day, and probably burn maybe like 200 a day I work out? (I don't know, currently I'm doing P90X and the best guess I can get is what my fitbit says after the work outs, but I know it can't measure strength exercises). So please, enlighten me :)

    What happens if I don't eat back my calories?

    I do it sometimes like if I eat 700 cals before lunch and then I walt 5miles and burn 600 cals. When I get dinner and a snack I make sure to eat at least 800 cals.

    If you set your mind to it, you can accomplish anything.....

  • megsmom2
    megsmom2 Posts: 2,362 Member
    MFP sets you st a calorie deficit to start with. That means you will lose weight, doing nothing else but eating at that level. If you exercise..which you should..now you've created another calorie deficit. Sounds great...but now you may not be getting enough calories and nutrients to sustain your body's good health and functioning. So..you eat more calories, back to your original goal net. You're still at a deficit, and you've had the healthy benefit of exercise...and you've also gotten more food to enjoy. This is the way MFP is designed to work. The MFP exercise calorie figures tend to trend high...so its a good idea to use a HRM or a fitbit. But yes...do eat those calories. It works. And it works at keeping you healthy.
  • Heyyleigh
    Heyyleigh Posts: 268 Member
    Everyone be nice, the new people always ask these questions :) I too direct them back to the search button.