Water vs. Other Drinks



  • SteveHunt113
    SteveHunt113 Posts: 648 Member
    I didn't read the thread so this may have been mentioned, but caffeine is a diuretic which will actually lead to dehydration.
    It's too bad you didn't read the thread, you would have learned something. Instead, you have thrown out information without any facts around it.
  • futiledevices
    futiledevices Posts: 309 Member
    I don't see how something with zero calories can make you gain weight unless there is some type of underlying medical condition.. ?

    The amount of sodium in diet pop is so minuscule, I'm surprised it was even mentioned. There is WAY more sodium in oatmeal, bread, etc. than even a can of diet pop.
  • kaotik26
    kaotik26 Posts: 590 Member
    I'm having trouble agreeing that pop is ok at all. Maybe it's because when I was in Basic Training they wouldn't let me drink it because it was so hot outside and they were terrified of us getting dehydrated (because of the caffeine). Also it was our Drill Sergeants theory that it wasn't going to help us make weight so we could STAY in the Army (get fat=get booted). I know they were not all nutritionists, but they trained a lot of people and half of that training was getting us into shape and helping us make weight.

    I did a little reading to back up my point. All these articles explain why pop is bad for you. One is study suggests that drinking sugary drinks causes people to crave more sugar throughout the day, thus adding more calories. Also there are links to heart attacks, diabetes, metabolic syndrome, kidney problems, and calcium deficiencies. I did find, however, a study on caffeine using coffee showed that it is not a diuretic. The only reason why you would want to use the bathroom more is because you drank so much in the first place. Don't get me wrong, I love me some Pepsi and Rum, but I think all of this is proof that Pop even Diet Pop is something to be moderated.




  • Diet pop has tons of sodium? Not according to the nutrition label on the brand I drink (diet pepsi). I'd have to drink 3 litres a day to get 10% of my RDV of sodium intake. 3 slices of whole wheat bread would have a higher sodium content.

    THIS is so true, I had diet ice tea & it was so high in sodium I could barely drink it, then I bought a diet pepsi and looked at it and it was less than a qaurter of what the ice tea was. I was suprised! BUT HAPPY :)
  • MrTypical
    MrTypical Posts: 24
    Urine should be very pale yellow. 8 glasses a day is a generic guide. If you weigh 120 lbs and your neighbor weighs 200lbs your water intake requirements will be different. In addition, your water requirement varies with your activity level and food consumption. Your body obviously needs more water when you sweat. Your body also uses water to digest food when you eat, that's why eating makes you thirsty. Soda's and sugar drinks won't kill you, but they aren't good for you and are really easy to give up. We aren’t talking about chocolate here, it's just diet soda (which really doesn't taste that good anyway). The easiest way to drink more water, if you need it, is to keep a thermos type squirt bottle on your desk at work. Cold water is easier to drink and actually burns a couple calories as your body warms up the water inside you. Also by setting a 24 oz bottle on your desk it makes it easy to take a swig. The goal isn't to down the whole bottle in one shot. Just sip on it throughout the day, you'll find you can drink 2-3 a day easily. It's like forming any habit, do it long enough and it just becomes natural.