I cheat once a week!!

Hello folks!! I need as many opinions as I can get...I'm suppose to have 1200 calories per day, however, I cheat once a wk, what do you all think? do any of you do the same? It helps me as it motivates me to continue to eat my 1200 calories on a daily basis. Do any of you have different strategies when it comes to you daily calorie intake?


  • Pebble321
    Pebble321 Posts: 6,554 Member
    I think that if you are only eating 1200 cals a day, that "cheat day" is probably helping you get closer to a healthy amount of calories to be eating.
    Of course it depends on your size, but unless you are really tiny and completely sedentary there is a good chance that you could lose weight very happily eating more.

    Personally, I don't "cheat" - but that's because I don't consider that I'm doing anything to cheat on. Sometimes I eat more than my calorie allowance, sometimes I eat less. Not a problem, as long as the "more" days don't outweigh the "less" days.
  • michellekicks
    michellekicks Posts: 3,624 Member
    Why don't you eat a little more every day so you don't feel so deprived that you have to have a cheat day. A weekly cheat day can pretty much undo a good chunk of the good you do the other 6 days...