Study shows "dessert" with breakfast boosts weight loss

Interesting article indicating better long-term weight loss success when breakfast includes lots of protein and carbs...


  • lizzardsm
    lizzardsm Posts: 271 Member
    I've seen this study before. My main concern is why didn't they have a dessert with breakfast and a fruit with breakfast group? Although I need to actually read the journal article to make some definitive conclusions, these are a couple of potential flaws that come to mind:
    1. The reason the people who ate dessert were losing weight might be because they weren't cheating on the diet (others may have been sneaking desserts in already)
    2. Why didn't they have a fruit group to compare with the dessert group? Maybe it's not dessert with breakfast that made the weight loss successful but some form of sugar in the morning? If it's just dessert that affects weight loss then maybe the it's all psychological. People adhere to diets better/ put more effort into their weight loss when they don't feel completely restricted.
    3. Why dessert at breakfast? Does eating dessert at lunch have the same effect?