Gym when sick!?!?!?!



  • Zangpakto
    Zangpakto Posts: 336 Member
    From my professional opinion, as long as it is above your throat, in general your fine, anything below, do NOT even try, I have seen people damage their heart muscles and die from that complication because of training when sick, it is NOT worth the risk.. The virus will end up attacking the heart and surrounding muscles as well.
  • abaka123
    abaka123 Posts: 48
    chest colds aren't fun. sorry to hear your are 'under the weather'. But, Staying home for a few days wouldn't be a bad idea. Maybe by this Saturday you will not be as bad and then go to the gym. If you would get to the point of needing antibiotics I wouldn't goto the gym until a week into your meds so you are not contagious and get others sick. It sucks, I know. Stay home and do push ups, situps, if its nice out go for a nice walk. Some of sun's vitamin D helps with illness too! Good Luck.