I am running out of will power. :(



  • sofakingawesome69
    If it becomes torture, truly then just have the treat. Eating 1 or 2 oreo's (example) will not hurt. Eating a whole bag of double stuff oreos will. It is the overall picture you are shooting for, not the 1 time treats that we all earn and deserve when trying to change a lifestyle. If it ever becomes too much, then we tend to give up completely. Plus, you are down 27, which is just awesome and i don't think that 1 little mis step is gonna ruin things..
  • blynn2708
    blynn2708 Posts: 275 Member
    It's okay to have a cheat day...don't deprive yourself. :bigsmile:
    Make sure you count your calories, be true to yourself:flowerforyou:
  • confettibetti
    confettibetti Posts: 405 Member
    I dont want to give up but i am feeling like i have gave up. I knew it wouldnt be easy but man what I wouldnt do for a soda and some junk right now! please anyone have some words that might help me oush thru this hard spot? and tips of kinds words what keeps you going?

    Dont give up on yourself!!! Every now and then its OK to splurge a little... Have a coke, have a burger! I'm all for not depriving myself... Stay within your calorie range, and have a cheat day every now and then, on those days just work out a little longer/harder!!!! YOU CAN DO IT!!!!!!!
  • joanie152
    joanie152 Posts: 159 Member
    I dont want to give up but i am feeling like i have gave up. I knew it wouldnt be easy but man what I wouldnt do for a soda and some junk right now! please anyone have some words that might help me oush thru this hard spot? and tips of kinds words what keeps you going?

    If you give up, what is the alternative? Would you like that? Think twice
  • meg7399
    meg7399 Posts: 672 Member
    Then go and have a soda and some chips. ONE can of soda and ONE serving of chips is around 300 calories. I would allow myself this almost DAILY if it helped keep me going. Just plan your day and calories aorund something you want. Thats how I started. I knew there were things I couldn't give up so I didn't. If you are not ready then don't. Some things in small moderation regularly will help you from falling off the wagon and binge eating.
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,716 Member
    I dont want to give up but i am feeling like i have gave up. I knew it wouldnt be easy but man what I wouldnt do for a soda and some junk right now! please anyone have some words that might help me oush thru this hard spot? and tips of kinds words what keeps you going?
    Yep. Have the soda and junk, but just stay within your calorie goal. I find that most people fail at weight loss because they deny themselves EVERYTHING. And as you can see that will usually lead to giving up.
    You may have to cut out eating something better, but SANITY is important too. Find a balance. You can still have things you like to eat IF you know how to integrate them along with correct macro/micro nutrients you need daily.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal/Group FitnessTrainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness for 28+ years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition
  • jensenkm2
    jensenkm2 Posts: 55
    We all find ourselves in a rut. I am there too, at 40lbs lost and my monthly weigh in is creeping up on Sunday and I am scared to death for the scale this month because I know that I may have cheated one too many times this month. But I hold out hope that counting my calories and only going over once or twice will keep me under my goal and will add a few pounds to my weight total. It is a lifestyle change and you wont reach your goal overnight. Keep pushing and allow yourself a piece of chocolate, or pizza or burger from time to time. We are human not robots... we need to feel fulfilled and satisfied. Enjoy this journey!!! You should feel happy that you are making a change for the better and that you are improving your health and your life, not like you are in prison!

    Good luck!
  • legnarevocrednu
    legnarevocrednu Posts: 467 Member
    I kind of approach each day as a fresh beginning. If I messed up yesterday, I let it go and focus on today. I don't beat myself up over it. If you work out and eat well 75% of the time, that's awesome!
  • drfalktorres
    drfalktorres Posts: 30 Member
    Eat for fuel, not food. Trust me, I'm the queen of sweets-- and it's a constant battle. But I ask myself..."Does my body need this?" "What is my body asking for if this is NOT what it needs?" And try my best to substitute. A couple of squares of dark chocolate, a fruit smoothie, and/or a dessert flavored yogurt. Is it the same...not at all. Does it work?...usually...and that's what counts. I'll say this...grabbing a handful of fresh veggies and/or a piece of fruit does NOT cut the craving-- I have to trick myself...something higher in protein does help-- but to curb hunger, nothing works like a bowl of oatmeal with fruit (sans sugar-- you'll get used to it eventually). The junk food cravings are getting easier and easier every day. Unlike those who can cheat, I cannot-- once I go there-- I don't come back. So an Oreo, a fast food meal, or a soda on occasion turns into a total collapse of will. Sticking to wholesome and healthy foods has gotten easier-- and it is ESSENTIAL that you always count the calories-- even if a cheat meal turns into a 4000 kcal day-- it let's you see trends, etc...that's how I learned I can't cheat. What's the saying..."once a cheater, always a cheater?" ;-)
  • MKolek00
    MKolek00 Posts: 23 Member
    Eat it! Don't waste all your progress because you don't think you can treat yourself. Do not binge, but enjoy what you want!

    Think about what you are craving, come up with an acceptable/suitable amount of calories to use and JUST DO IT! So what if you have to walk an extra mile or two tonight or tomorrow. It will be worth it!

    It's the people who "diet" and remove everything bad from their life that fall off the wagon and gain it all back. Enjoy treats in moderation and you will be just fine
  • hulljc
    hulljc Posts: 8
    I have the same feelings as you and also have lost 27 pounds..... I'm a HUGE chip and pizza lover, those are hard to give up for me, so as a treat i eat pizza once a week and nibble on the odd chips.... all i do is exercise on the days i want to cheat, easily done, then you have the extra calories to play with. Don't ever let yourself get to this point, we're all allowed cheat days, just encorporate some exercise, walk, mow a lawn, what you can do to get more calories....
    keep up the good work, you're doing great, don't give up :happy:
  • BSmith0926
    BSmith0926 Posts: 51 Member
    Thank you for your kind words. so I decided today is a new day and to not fall off the wagon! so I had a bowl of cereal and the sweetness of it I believe was enough to help me thru. :)
  • BSmith0926
    BSmith0926 Posts: 51 Member
    My advice, suck it up! You can do it, you do not NEED a soda or junk food, it is bad for you, and your body.

    How will you feel once you've had it? Anything worth having is hard work. Keep it up and dont let food control you!x

    Thanks I need a little tought love!! :)