2 weeks in and only weight gained :(



  • itsjustdawn
    itsjustdawn Posts: 1,073 Member
    Thank you all for the support! I'm willing to try anything to see results and I know they won't come over night. I have set realistic goals like lose 6 lbs in 3 weeks simple stuff. So I'm gonna try the new changes and lower my days of working out. Although I feel so guilty not working out everyday. I feel like if I have the time and energy I might as well take advantage. And I have upped my calories 2 times since starting but I'm going to up it another 100 and see how that works! Thanks again everyone! You are all amazing! :):):)

    You should really check out your BMR and TDEE
  • Helloitsdan
    Helloitsdan Posts: 5,564 Member
    Thank you all for the support! I'm willing to try anything to see results and I know they won't come over night. I have set realistic goals like lose 6 lbs in 3 weeks simple stuff. So I'm gonna try the new changes and lower my days of working out. Although I feel so guilty not working out everyday. I feel like if I have the time and energy I might as well take advantage. And I have upped my calories 2 times since starting but I'm going to up it another 100 and see how that works! Thanks again everyone! You are all amazing! :):):)

    Think of this.
    You are overweight.
    You need to lose fat to be at the right weight.
    You need to maintain lean mass to not look skinny fat.
    You eat less than you burn in a day to lose weight but this puts stress on the CNS, central nervous system.
    You workout which puts stress on the CNS.
    The less stress you have the better your weight loss will be.

    To get your custom numbers go to Fat to Fit tools and do the Body fat calc, military.
    Enter your info into the BMR tool and put current weight as goal weight.
    This gives TDEE.
    Use light activity #.
    Subtract 20% from the Light Activity number to know what to set MFP to.

    Lift heavy weights 3x a week but never to failure, failure tells the CNS you could fail so always hold a lift in reserve.
    The way to figure out a good starting point is to figure out what weight you can lift only 1 time.
    This is the 1RM or 1 rep max.
    Then take about 60% off that weight for your starting weight.
    Every week you need to add weight to the barbell or dumbbell.

    On the other days take a leisurely walk for 20-40 mins.
    This is active recovery and is a stress reliever.
    Remember, less stress=better weight loss.

    Good sites to read:

    More advanced stuff and some science:
  • LoosingMyLast15
    LoosingMyLast15 Posts: 1,457 Member
    i went through the same thing - didn't see any movement for 2.5 weeks then this week i started to loose. for me i realized 2 things: i wasn't accurately reporting (bought a scale and fixed that problem) and i wasn't eating enough. after my exercising i was around 900-1000 calories. hang in there you'll start to see changes. it just takes some of us a little longer to get our bodies to adjust to loosing weight. fyi, i did cut out drinking during the week (big wine drinker here) and it's made a difference
    Thank you guys! This is all very frustrating! I'm not giving up by any means but I'm just ready to see it working! So I started on 1050 calories then was advised to up to 1200 and that's where I'm at now.

    As for the questions...
    I am eating all my calories and recording accurately. I pre weigh out all my food before cooking and I'm weighting meats out and freezing so everything is planned. I am however menstrating and never thought of that. Hopefully it's just water weight and I will begin to lose. I'm also gonna begin measurements since I'm reading many people are successful with that! Thanks so much!
  • itsjustdawn
    itsjustdawn Posts: 1,073 Member
    Thank you all for the support! I'm willing to try anything to see results and I know they won't come over night. I have set realistic goals like lose 6 lbs in 3 weeks simple stuff. So I'm gonna try the new changes and lower my days of working out. Although I feel so guilty not working out everyday. I feel like if I have the time and energy I might as well take advantage. And I have upped my calories 2 times since starting but I'm going to up it another 100 and see how that works! Thanks again everyone! You are all amazing! :):):)

    Think of this.
    You are overweight.
    You need to lose fat to be at the right weight.
    You need to maintain lean mass to not look skinny fat.
    You eat less than you burn in a day to lose weight but this puts stress on the CNS, central nervous system.
    You workout which puts stress on the CNS.
    The less stress you have the better your weight loss will be.

    To get your custom numbers go to Fat to Fit tools and do the Body fat calc, military.
    Enter your info into the BMR tool and put current weight as goal weight.
    This gives TDEE.
    Use light activity #.
    Subtract 20% from the Light Activity number to know what to set MFP to.

    Lift heavy weights 3x a week but never to failure, failure tells the CNS you could fail so always hold a lift in reserve.
    The way to figure out a good starting point is to figure out what weight you can lift only 1 time.
    This is the 1RM or 1 rep max.
    Then take about 60% off that weight for your starting weight.
    Every week you need to add weight to the barbell or dumbbell.

    On the other days take a leisurely walk for 20-40 mins.
    This is active recovery and is a stress reliever.
    Remember, less stress=better weight loss.

    Good sites to read:

    More advanced stuff and some science:

    I hope she does this! I've told her about it before :-(