For over a year, can't get out of 160's



  • lisahewlett
    Aim to lose 1/2 pound per up your calories to that range.. eat back your excercize calories... try mixing up your excercise... your body gets efficient at things it does regularly... add some weight training, or some biking, or aerobics, or dance, or zumba, or plyometrics.... some HIIT training ... etc ---that may re-engergize you as well. If you are interested in more than simple weight loss- such as body re-composition... add weights or some sort of resistance training-- they will really help..

    I plataeud a lot.. usually fixed it by upping calories and mixing up my routine.... just my thoughts. And most importantly-- Great Job! Congrats on your progress, pat yourself on the back and pick a plan and move forward!

    Thank you Sir :-) It's so weird that you beat your plateau by eating MORE...but I guess that works! And thank you for the encouragement!
  • lisahewlett
    add some strength training to your wil give you more shape as well as more results as long as you are executing in the other areas you need to..and no, you won't look like me;) ha

    HAHAHA. No, I won't look like you...cause...well..I'm not a dude :-) HA! Yes I definitely want to add shape as well as loose weight, so to the weights I go!
  • AmyfromBama
    AmyfromBama Posts: 125 Member
    Ive been stuck at my weight for the longest too!!! I'm 5'3'' and last time checked in to weigh i was 152.2 ... And I didnt think about upping my calorie diet!!! I should try that as well and see if that helps!!! :)
  • starracer23
    starracer23 Posts: 1,011 Member
    A few tips:
    Zigzag your calories (
    Do HITT warm-up on your favorite machine, or running, biking, what ever. 20 mins total 1 min slow, 1 min fast alternate until done.
    Lift weights
    Finish with 10 mins cardio ( 5mins slow, 5 mins fast)
  • acidosaur
    acidosaur Posts: 295 Member
    I'm plateauing sick of it! I've lost about 1lb in three months. I'm sticking to low carb and 1500 calories for now, with plenty of walking, hopefully that will kick start the loss again.
  • Nutrition1st
    Nutrition1st Posts: 216 Member
    Weights (or any form of resistance)!!! Cardio is good, but you only burn calories while the music is playing. Once you stop running or doing Zumba, your body stops. When you life weights, your body burns fat around the clock. Here is why. Your body's primary energy source is fat. But in order for it to resort to your fat tissue for energy it has a system of checks and balances. When doing resistance exercises, your body is constantly building and tearing muscle tissue. This is normal. Your body wants to use protein and fat tissue to repair those muscles and help rebuild them. If you workout routinely, your body wants to repair those muscles around the clock. Once you put it all together and hit the weights first, cardio second, high protein meal last, then your body turns in to a fat burning machine and will burn it night and day.

  • starracer23
    starracer23 Posts: 1,011 Member
    I've tried weights first then doesnt work for me. Doing the HIIT warm up gets my heart rate up, and I'm sweating after the first 7 mins and don't stop til I'm home in the shower ;)

    I do circuit style lifting and any time I have to rest I keep moving around trying to keep the ol` heart rate up.
  • GreekByMarriage
    GreekByMarriage Posts: 320 Member
    Add calories slowly if you are not comfortable doing it all at once.
  • meggonkgonk
    meggonkgonk Posts: 2,066 Member
    If you do up your calories, be prepared- you will likely gain a little at first. It will feel really discouraging but is OK and not a sign you are going in the wrong direction.
  • lisahewlett
    Thank you so much everyone. I'll up them and try not to get discouraged if i gain a little! And I'm going to add in more weight lifting. Thanks again!