hello new here

liyuke Posts: 3 Member
hi , just registered in a couple of mins ago , have been waging this battle of bulge for the longest time ever , i have tried every thg possible to lose weight ... am all gung ho for the first few days and after that its a downward spiral , i just dont know how to pull myself up , i hope by joining here i'll be able to get your support because as humans we all need a little push and motivation to accomplish something and losing weight has been an uphill battle for me for so many years ... am 31 and weigh 185 lbs . more for health concerns and to enjoy a longer life with my beautiful daughter i have made up my mind i need to lose it and i hope all of u will help me do it ....and each and every one's success story will encourage me more ... i know there are good days and bad days but knowing so many of you all are going through the same shame of being obese i know am not alone and i hopefully will make the commitment and stick to it ... if u see my falling thru pls shout and wake me up ..... thank you ....


  • bf43005
    bf43005 Posts: 287
    Welcome. I am turning 31 on Saturday LOL! You are so right that we all need a little encouragement. Feel free to add me as a friend. I have been on for 100+ days and I feel great. It's not even just about the scale number anymore. I just feel better, can do more, run faster, I'm not out of breath doing things. It's great, but it didn't happen over night and there were maybe times I just wanted to give up. But you have to know that it's one day at a time and you CAN do this!! Good Luck!