Northern Ontario says Hello

Well, here I am. My name i Ashley and im from Sudbury.
Im not surprised that i needed to loose weight. i have a 9 month old son, and i gained 50 lbs during the pregnancy. :(
i didnt think i needed to track my food, as i was loosing weight over time, but now breastfeeding is coming to an end, and my weight has started to creep up again. Which is not good.
i go back to work in 3 months. so my goal is to loose my muffin top before i clip on my name tag.

the hardest part, I LOVE FOOD. and so does my husband. Especially anything Carb rich. Ugh, why does bread have to make you fat?! but its time to give that up. and enjoy wearing my pre-pregger clothes and love the way i look again.

If you want to add me, then lets motivate each other! :)