New mommy/Post Partum body support

I just had my second baby in May, I had our first in January 2011. So my body has been through 2 pregnancies in 2 years and it SHOWS! I need some motivation and support from fellow moms.

Before I had our first daughter I weighed 115 lbs, 6'0 tall and I had a crazy fast metabolism. I never struggled with my weight or body image issues, but now I'm 150 and everything is so different. My hips have spread like crazy, my stomach is flabby and my thighs are pure cellulite. NONE of my old clothes fit, and when I've gone shopping for new ones nothing looks right. So I'm definitely feeling self conscious and down.

I'm on day 9 of Jillian Michaels 30 Day Shred and I love it but I'm still feeling discouraged. I need some encouragement from other moms! I want to stay motivated but its a little hard with keeping up with my daughters. I'm usually up at 7 and go non-stop until my husband gets home at 6, then I cook dinner, do my 30 DS, shower, go to bed and nurse my newborn throughout the night then wake up and do it all again!

Let's help each other stay motivated ladies!!


  • Jenncappa
    Jenncappa Posts: 1 Member
    Lydia I totally understand how you feel! I work usually 55 hours a week then try and take care of the 3 boys.,Manage their sports , cooking and try to clean the house it is so hard I really feel frustrated. I feel like I am my last priority which is probably a big factor of my weight! I really need motivating and support so I am hoping being on here will hold me accountable and I can focus a little more time on me!
  • Steph4454
    Steph4454 Posts: 164 Member
    Looking at your picture, I think you look great. We all have our own expectations for how WE want to look. You have to look at your situation, and look at what you've just been through. It is going to take time to recover from 2 pregnancies in 2 years. They say up to a year after the child is born. 115 pounds for 6ft if under-weight and I can't imagine being that weight. I am 5'11'' and would KILL to be 150....just isn't that bad, work and have patience and you will get there.