what time of the day do you run?

rafor Posts: 78 Member
When i started working out, i always exercised late morning (arounds 11am). With it being the height of summer, I find that i cannot breath as well in the hot humid air of Southern Illinois. I am going to try to get my workouts in the morning so the air iis a bit cooler and i might have more endurance.

My question is, when do you run?


  • CarsonRuns
    CarsonRuns Posts: 3,039 Member
    Usually between 6 and 6:30 AM before work. On the weekends, it depends on the weather. In the summer, I get out early to beat the heat. In the winter, I'll wait until later in the morning for it to warm up a smidge.

    If my schedule doesn't permit me to run in the morning for some reason, I'll run when I can, regardless of temperature or conditions, with the exception of lightening. I don't run in lightening.
  • SVallatini
    SVallatini Posts: 49
    I run/walk in the evenings after work. It's the best time for me to exercise because of my work schedule. I had noticed that when I used to run in the early mornings, I was hungry all day. This late evening exercising works out better for me.
  • Springer007
    Springer007 Posts: 84 Member
    When i started working out, i always exercised late morning (arounds 11am). With it being the height of summer, I find that i cannot breath as well in the hot humid air of Southern Illinois. I am going to try to get my workouts in the morning so the air iis a bit cooler and i might have more endurance.

    My question is, when do you run?

    Sounds stupid but Iike to run as close to the heat of the day as my schedule allows. The hotter it is, the more I sweat and feel like I am really doing some good. Im sure there is all kinds of flawed logic in that but it works for me.
  • BetterMike
    BetterMike Posts: 131 Member
    I've been running at lunch time because it's the time I'm free the most consistantly. Mostly I've been lucky with the weather though and not had 90's and humid more than a couple times. That won't last and I guess for the summer I'll move it to sunset if I can.
  • PandaCustard
    PandaCustard Posts: 204 Member
    I begin my run between 9AM-10AM when it's a bit cooler. My running route is all hills (I live in WV, where it's all uphill), so the last thing I need is heat. :)