Anyone here attend a Metabolic Research Center?

AWyatt88 Posts: 18 Member
Hey all! My name is Ashley and I joined the Metabolic Research Center in Colorado Springs just last month. I am currently down 18lbs with them, putting my total weight loss (from my heaviest weight last year) at 28lbs down. I just wanted to see if anyone else here was with Metabolic and was looking for more support :)


  • skelley331
    skelley331 Posts: 38 Member
    Hi Ashley,

    I just signed up last friday june 22nd and started my pre-conditioning on the 23rd, i'm down 4 lbs so far, but I can't get back until july 12th to do my food class. I'm from indiana! I wish i could get there sooner, after preconditioning what do you do after that? I'm so hoping to succeed on this plan, i need to lose 34 lbs.

    Thanks for sharing
  • AWyatt88
    AWyatt88 Posts: 18 Member
    Hi there Sherry!
    It took me a very long time to get off pre-conditioning. I was on it for about 3 weeks because I had to come to the realization that this was a complete lifestyle change, but I finally did. They basically move you from menu to menu based on your needs and the more weight you lose, the more food you are allowed to have. Their products are fantastic. Definitely make sure you take advantage of what they have to offer you. As you get more into the program, it really does get easier and easier, espeically when you start getting a wider food choice. I have to lose 83 pounds altogether. I am down 18 and am very excited. They also have tons of games and competitions where you can win free things or gift certificates towards their products. Also, take advantage of their classes. They can help you and teach you so much. The only way you will not lose weight is if you just dont do this. I wish you the best of luck on your journey! If you want, you can add me as a friend so you can view my food diary. I have some great recipes that are healthy and super yummy from Metabolic. Also, you can see in my diary the nutrients in some of the products I buy from them.
  • skelley331
    skelley331 Posts: 38 Member
    Thank you so much for the incouragement, i'm wondering if i should do the pre-conditioning for longer than a week, just so i can get use to the foods, i'm finding that i'm still longing for a pc of chocolate on occasion, will or do you ever get over the cravings?
    I would love to add you to my friends list
  • I am also doing MRC and a HUGE carb/ice cream/choc nut! My cravings have gotten a bit better but I also take the big 3 supplements, B12 and flax seed oil along with the regular stuff they require. I have been on "program" for just under a month and did not have a huge problem with the diet other than no carbs really, but I knew going into it that that would be the case. I just keep telling myself it is all worth it in the long run. One meal, one day, one pound (or two) at a time. :-) You can do it! We ALL can!
  • JeniLJ
    JeniLJ Posts: 5
    Hi, I just started MRC on 7/1 and found this site just last week. Did anyone have issues with headaches and overall tiredness? I didn't do the pre-conditioning (which I should have!!) and went straight onto the program. I'm now on day 8. It's been hard, but I'm committed. The very first day on the plan I had the worst headache of my life and coincidentally had an aptmt with my Dr. for an annual physical. I was in no shape for the physical and was weak, having blurred vision and feeling HORRIBLE. My Dr. said it sounds like a detox headache which I thought was encouraging since it seems I have a lot of "junk" to purge. I'm a caffeine and sugarholic and I gave up both cold-turkey so I should have expected the headaches. So, now day 8 and the headaches aren't as bad, but I still don't feel like I have any energy. Did anyone else have this issue and when did it go away? Also, how are you dealing with pre-planning meals when there are so many summer activities to attend? Thanks and please feel free to befriend me...
  • kittyconni
    kittyconni Posts: 62
    Hi everyone.
    I joined MRC and started deconditioning in March of this year. As of this week, I am down 50 pounds and 37 1/4 inches. I have went from a size 20 to a size 12 so far and the 12's are a little loose around the tummy!
    The "no caffeine" was a problem for me too. I am a nurse, and work 7p-7a, so coffee was my best friend. But, I figured that losing the weight was more important than a cup of coffee, so I pushed through it.
    I am over half way there to my goal weight, 30 more pounds to go. I have nothing but great things to say about MRC!
  • skelley331
    skelley331 Posts: 38 Member
    :smile: Great job, i'm just starting my menu 1-4 doing metaslim, i hope i have the success you have!!