New here ..need help with IBS and nutrition.

I am finally losing weight as my IBS isnt going away any time soon. But i need to stay on track with nutrition and ideas to deal with stomach aches constatly ..water is hard to drink as well.


  • littlebluej
    littlebluej Posts: 102 Member
    I've been diagnosed with a bunch of different digestive disorders over the last 6 years, IBS being one of them. I totally understand the constant stomach aches, even from drinking a bit of water. It can make you feel crazy sometimes!

    I've been on a few IBS forums and one thing I commonly saw was a low FODMAP diet. This website shows a long list of foods

    Low FODMAP works for some, not for others. IBS really is different for everyone. My biggest suggestion would be to track every single food you eat and keep note of any foods that make IBS symptoms flare up. For example, some of my trigger foods over the years have been apples (on an empty stomach), peanut butter, spicy food of any kind, overall greasy food (pizza, fried foods), meat of any kind, any bread product, and Mexican food (doesn't matter if it's a simple taco salad or a huge bean/cheese burrito).
  • wackyfunster
    wackyfunster Posts: 944 Member
    Go to an allergist and get a test called the MRT (mediator release test) done. It will test you for reactions to 150 of the most common foods and chemicals. I know several people (myself included) who have had almost complete symptom relief by avoiding foods indicated by the test. One of my coworkers went from being in a constant state of brain fog, psoriasis, and crippling IBS to symptom free in a few months. Your insurance will probably not cover it, but it is totally worth the $300-400 if your IBS is the result of food sensitivities.
  • kcoftx
    kcoftx Posts: 765 Member
    That's good to know!
  • erinhayley
    erinhayley Posts: 10
    I have IBS as well and unfortunately from what I've been told and read a lot of the symptoms (for some people, not everyone) are emotional and stress related. I know this is true for myself as any stressful situations such as exams or interviews have me doubled over in pain and rushing to a bathroom, which is really inconvenient as you'd know! Have you considered this? Apparently cognitive behavioural therapy, meditation, or any stress reducers can help if that's a factor for you. Maybe even journaling your thoughts and emotions?

    As far as food goes though; caffeine, alcohol, spices, dairy, red meat, and legumes are the main ones my doctor told me to avoid/limit if that helps.
  • momtokgo
    momtokgo Posts: 446 Member
    I've been diagnosed with a bunch of different digestive disorders over the last 6 years, IBS being one of them. I totally understand the constant stomach aches, even from drinking a bit of water. It can make you feel crazy sometimes!

    I've been on a few IBS forums and one thing I commonly saw was a low FODMAP diet. This website shows a long list of foods

    Low FODMAP works for some, not for others. IBS really is different for everyone. My biggest suggestion would be to track every single food you eat and keep note of any foods that make IBS symptoms flare up. For example, some of my trigger foods over the years have been apples (on an empty stomach), peanut butter, spicy food of any kind, overall greasy food (pizza, fried foods), meat of any kind, any bread product, and Mexican food (doesn't matter if it's a simple taco salad or a huge bean/cheese burrito).

    This. If you are still having flare ups, try and figure out what is causing them. I was having daily flare ups. For months I was scared to leave the house because I knew I would need a bathroom soon. And then I talked to my doctor. He was nice enough to give me medication to help, but I can still feel when there is a flare up.

    My triggers are meat - especially bacon and steak. All dairy, even the tiniest bit and anything greasy or fried.