Understanding Nutrition

So here's my problem....I have no idea what type of "1200" calories I should be eating each day. I don't really have any concept of nutrition at all. I would like to learn more about nutrition and how it is I can understand what is really going into my body each day. I make sure to log everything on here, but as I'm typing it in I say to myself, "What the hell is this anyway". Anyone have any suggestions on how I can familiarize myself on the topic of nutrition?

I'm 24 years old, overweight and a very picky eater...help!

I want to understand what a calorie actually is, what the different types of fat are (trans, saturated, etc.), cholosterol, finber, sugar, protein, vitamins, etc. What does all this really mean anyway????



  • MScaduto
    So here's my problem....I have no idea what type of "1200" calories I should be eating each day. I don't really have any concept of nutrition at all. I would like to learn more about nutrition and how it is I can understand what is really going into my body each day. I make sure to log everything on here, but as I'm typing it in I say to myself, "What the hell is this anyway". Anyone have any suggestions on how I can familiarize myself on the topic of nutrition?

    I'm 24 years old, overweight and a very picky eater...help!

    I want to understand what a calorie actually is, what the different types of fat are (trans, saturated, etc.), cholosterol, finber, sugar, protein, vitamins, etc. What does all this really mean anyway????

  • kistinbee
    kistinbee Posts: 3,688 Member
    Yeah...I don't know all the specifics, but from what I've learned from dieticians in the past is to try and get the following in my diet every day:

    3 servings of fruit
    3 servings of veggies
    1 serving of dairy
    2-3 servings of protein
    2-3 servings of starch/carbs
    1 serving of fat

    This is what I try and stick to. Here's a typical meal plan for my days:

    6am-oatmeal with a glass of diet cranberry-grape juice (1 starch, 1 fruit)

    8am-2 cups coffee with sugar-free creamer

    10am-fiber one bar and a banana (1 fruit, 1 fiberous starch)

    noon-1/2 cup fat free cottage cheese, 1 stick celery with 1 tbsp PB, 2 sesame crackers, 1 sugar-free yogurt (1 protein, 1 veggie, 1 fat, 1 starch, 1 dairy)

    2pm-an apple and almonds (1 fruit, 1 fat)

    5pm-chicken breast or fish with 1 cup of broccoli or green beans (1 protein, 2 veggies)

    8pm-whey protein with 1/2 cup skim milk (1 protein, 1/2 dairy)

    So, yes...I eat more than the servings I listed I should eat, but I make sure to get them all in every day...especially the fruits and veggies.
    Hopefully this helps a little!
  • dulceluva
    dulceluva Posts: 728 Member
    Does America have a food guide?

    I Canada we have a Canadian Food Guide and it outlines all of the servings of what we need of any types of foods.
  • Helawat
    Helawat Posts: 605 Member
  • MScaduto
    I'm not sure if America has a food guide or not. Anyone know?
  • wriglucy
    wriglucy Posts: 1,064 Member
    I'm not sure if America has a food guide or not. Anyone know?

    We have a food pyramid that works as a guide. Also, it takes 3500 less calories in order to lose a pound, and the opposite to gain a pound. It's a basic equation of calories in versus calories out. If you eat as many calories as you burn during the day, you stabilize. The ONLY diet that works, is eating right and exercise.
    Also, eat LOTS of veggies! Cut the butter and start developing a taste for 'light' instead of full fat foods. The fat flavor is an acquired taste, and can be changed. Same with chocolate. I don't even eat it anymore!
    Good luck!
  • FatDancer
    FatDancer Posts: 812 Member
    www.mypyramid.gov...good info on nutrition.

    Fat Dancer
  • mydogmesa2
    mydogmesa2 Posts: 205 Member
    I'm not sure if America has a food guide or not. Anyone know?

    Its called the food Pyramid. You know fats and sugars at the top, then fruits veggies in the middle breads at the bottom. :smile:

    Ps just a bit of trivia: A calorie is defined as the amount of energy needed to raise the temperature of one gram of water by one degree celcius. Flashback to 5th grade.:smokin: