1000 cals a day??

I've been reading and I KNOW that even 1200 cals a day is considered low. I bought the 10 minute trainer program (Tony Horton) and included is a 10 day diet to "jump start" -lose a pants size in 10 days.

It's got lots of good, healthful foods, tonnes of protein & veggies but averages out to 1000 cals a day. I know better, but I want to do it anyways.....
It's only 10 days. I'll continue eating healthy afterwards and up my cals back to 1200-1500. I know some of what I drop may come right back, but I'd like to give it a shot regardless.

Is 10 days of tight food restriction like that enough to throw your body into "starvation mode"?


  • hellohoney86
    Just a bump - I'd love to get some feedback from the knowledgeable folks!
  • PhilyPhresh
    PhilyPhresh Posts: 600 Member
    unless you are about 4'6" 1000 cals a day is not going to cut it. you are going to be starving your body and at that rate you aren't going to be losing long term fat. You need to ensure you have a healthy load of fat and protein in your diet if you want to lose weight correctly, and 1000 cals just isn't going to cut it.
  • xxthoroughbred
    xxthoroughbred Posts: 346 Member
    I personally wouldn't do it. It just sounds like a detox to me.
  • Hendrix7
    Hendrix7 Posts: 1,903 Member
    Why would try and apply a diet which takes no consideration of your weight, height, activity levels and current BF%?!?!?

    Work out your own macros and follow them!!!!!
  • hellohoney86
    Ah, **** - moment of weakness. I really do know better. The allure of dropping a pants size in 10 days though...... it's freaking tempting.

    I'll be smart and follow what's been working so far :o(

    eta - thanks for the feedback!
  • Alicia_Monique
    Alicia_Monique Posts: 338 Member
    You can drop a pant size or two in 30 days by doing the 30 Day Shred, and eating well.

    Sounds much better to me, IMO.
  • MB_Positif
    MB_Positif Posts: 8,897 Member
    too many 10's in there...good luck with whatever you decide, but I wouldn't do it just because I personally would be a cranky ***** for 10 days.
  • payupalice
    payupalice Posts: 126 Member
    You could just add 200 or 400 more calories to the plan in healthy foods.
  • kikilieb
    kikilieb Posts: 118 Member
    You can drop a pant size or two in 30 days by doing the 30 Day Shred, and eating well.

    Sounds much better to me, IMO.

    This^ I dropped more than one pants size in a month and i eat WAY more than 1k cals / day. WAY more! LOLz
  • taso42
    taso42 Posts: 8,980 Member
    You in a hurry to get fit? Then don't waste any time doing Stupid Diet Things. Starting eating right and exercising today.
  • KilikiMom
    KilikiMom Posts: 237 Member
    yeah i wouldn't do that....loosing weight that fast is not healthy a slow steady loss is what is best for anyone trying to loose weight....
  • RainxPain
    RainxPain Posts: 152
    I survived on less than 800 calories for over 2 weeks. I had no energy, I was always tired and very cranky. But that's just me. I'm interested to hear some more feedback on this.
  • Zangpakto
    Zangpakto Posts: 336 Member
    Do it anyway.... In that time frame unless your body is thin already you aint going to drop into starvation mode by a long shot...

    Heck people have maintained significant weight loss by water fasting 2 x 30 days with a break in-between... and they have kept it off...

    It really depends how you EXIT the lower amount, your body will adapt slightly to that amount, so need to increase by about 10% a day afterwards only until back up to normal. Just to be on safe side anyway....

    Also 10 days is reasonable time anyway... I see people here that lose maybe what? 60pounds in about 1 year maybe 1 and half? I'm almost there and only been doing since Jan.. No side effects so far except sore legs from training for marathon....

    Then again, I am 5 ft tall... or short? So yea, maybe that why to me it doesn't sound so bad... either way the fasting on water part truth still stands, possible and can work long term if medically supervised....
  • auntiebabs
    auntiebabs Posts: 1,754 Member
    Why jumpstart?....

    Learn to eat healthy for your whole life... that takes some practice... eat in a way that you can keep up indefinitely.
    I don't think that 10-days of harsh stress on your body will do you any good in the long run.

    I tracked for a couple of weeks before I worried about losing.
    (although seeing what I was eating I couldn't help but rein back a bit)

    Then I saw where I could make small changes on things that weren't that important to me.
    (Don't even think of taking chocolate out of my diet!!!)
    --Reducing quantities where I won't notice it so much
    --Swapping out things instead of eliminating them.

    Then every couple of weeks I check where I can make another couple of small changes.
    If you completely revamp your diet, it's way easy to revert to old ways in times of stress.
    If you make a series of small changes, food still offers you some sense of comfort.
    sort of a comfort continuum, and after a while the first small changes will seem comforting in themselves.
  • trud72
    trud72 Posts: 1,912 Member
    if you do exersice as well then your body will not go into starvation made in that short a time x :wink:
  • ShellBell4281
    ShellBell4281 Posts: 127 Member
    I doubt you'll be thrown into starvation mode unless you go over 3 days without eating. The whole Starvation Mode craze has taken on a life of it's own. You'll be fine. Hungry? Yes. But you won't be literally starving.
  • mochagirl262
    Depending on how tall you are, 1000 cal a day might work for you. I'm likely not in the majority, but that's my typical daily goal. I'm also only 5'0. The way I look at it, you could eat a LOT of veggies (20 cal items) with a 1000 cal limit so it certainly doesn't mean you have to starve yourself!

    Good luck to you! :happy:
  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    Is 10 days of tight food restriction like that enough to throw your body into "starvation mode"?

    No, it's not. You'll probably be hungry and miserable, but it's unlikely to do any damage.
  • KatKatatrophic
    KatKatatrophic Posts: 448 Member
    You can drop a pant size or two in 30 days by doing the 30 Day Shred, and eating well.

    Sounds much better to me, IMO.

  • chivalryder
    chivalryder Posts: 4,391 Member
    If you lose that much weight in such a short period of time, there's no way it's going to be all fat. When you starve yourself like that, your body will actually break down your muscle for energy because protein is easier to break down than fat is.

    Sure, you'll lose 10 lbs in 2 weeks, but once you go back to a more normal routine, it'll be hard not to put the weight back on as fat.

    Not only will it be fat, but it'll be visceral fat. Visceral fat is the fat underneath your muscles in your abdomen - the dangerous stuff. It'll put more pressure on your internal organs which will increase the risk of weight-related problems.

    My suggestion? Don't do it. Or if you do that 10-day thing, eat all your regular calories + the calories you burned off from working out, minus enough to lose 1lb/week. Then you'll build lean muscles, burn off fat, and you'll be able to keep it off! You won't lose as much weight as quickly, but muscles weigh more than fat, and bigger muscles burn more calories to do the same work!