Eat nothing - lost nothing. Ate loads lost three pounds



  • twoboys2012
    twoboys2012 Posts: 352 Member
    Check out the group Eat More to Weigh Less and read the stickies with an open mind. Trust me; it'll change your whole approach to weight loss. As a personal anecdote, I've been losing weight eating 1900+ calories every day. It works.

    Curious, about how many calories do you burn daily when you eat 1900+ Are you a runner?

    You get your own number depending on how much you weight, age, height and activity level ... so yours will be different ... individualised to meet your needs. You may eat more or less than this
  • cloud2011
    cloud2011 Posts: 898 Member
    There's an old saying in Weight Watchers, that when you plateau, eat a cheeseburger to move through it. While I haven't done WW in years, it sometimes has helped me. I think your body didn't want to let go of the weight until it knew that more food was coming.

    Your body has to be ready to let go of the weight. And, too few calories for too long, your body will hang on.
  • kpellham
    kpellham Posts: 1
    I just wanted to send you a little something to help out. I've done alot of health/fitness courses in my life and learned just recently after all of the hard work and diet, there is 1 simple fact that contributes to this...You need to pick a day or 2 out of the week where you just eat normal... I suggest 1 day. Eat normal fats, good fats bad fats whatever you're craving because the reason you don't drop any weight after a certain point is that your body is afraid that it's being starved of fats with all the working out and low calorie count, so it holds onto the fat that you have as a survival mode...Just give a day of rest on the diet and excercise and let your body release the fats and process them through you as normal.. This has been a BIG helper for me..
  • Giggle78
    Giggle78 Posts: 16 Member
    Thank you to everyone who contributed to this threat it has been really interesting.
    I did do some exercise today! Yay!
  • PinkToes71
    PinkToes71 Posts: 4 Member
    Something that has gotten a lot of interest in some threads on MFP is called "In Place of a Road Map" written up my Helloitsdan. I just stumbled over it when trying to find out if 1200 calories was actually healthy for me since I wanted to eat my hand by the end of the day.

    It explains how to figure out what your BMR is (how many calories you burn if you were comatose) and then your TDEE (total daily energy expenditure) based on your activity level. The purpose is to show you how many calories you should never eat under (otherwise your body doesn't have what it needs to just exist, which it obviously doesn't like) and how many you would need to just maintain your weight so that you can eat at a deficit between those two numbers. When I input my numbers on MFP, MFP's suggested caloric intake put me under my BMR. I simply couldn't maintain 1200 calories a day for long so I was very glad to find that thread.

    I can't attest to its effectiveness (but it seems that many people can on here) since I just started out with it very recently. I can tell you that I have dropped some weight in the last week and I'm not starving (it was hard to go higher in calories--I was afraid I'd gain). I decided to do it a little differently though--I put my daily calories in at the sedentary level of activity for the TDEE and then I eat back my exercise calories. It motivates me to get moving every day AND I was finding that I was having to adjust my numbers every day before I started doing this because once I exercised I was falling below my BMR which they warn you never to do. That all might make more sense if you read the thread.

    Best thing about it is that I'm not starving and I'm not gaining. We'll see about the losing yet--the 2 pounds could have been water differences.