

  • mmapags
    mmapags Posts: 8,934 Member
    TEF is such a tiny portion of the energy equation, it's not even worth thinking about. People who get caught up in the little details like this usually end up missing the big picture (take in less than you burn) and then wonder why their weight loss is stalled.

    Absolutely!! I love the KISS rule. Keep It Simple Stupid!
  • wackyfunster
    wackyfunster Posts: 944 Member
    I was citing this study before it was cool #hipster

    So on workout days, I can either eat 2222 calories of whole foods, or 2000 calories of frosted flakes and pastries? Doesn't seem like a hard choice to me. OH SNAP, MATH!

    TEF _CAN_ be an important consideration, depending on where you are at and what your goals are, but for most people on this site it is just overcomplicating things. My friend who lost 135 pounds in the August-April period this year commented "It didn't seem very hard, all I did was eat less and walk more". Eat less and move more is all that most people need initially.