slow runners

I would appreciate encouragement from others who are starting out as slowly as I am and trying to get to a 5k. I am 48 years old and just started running again after about 15 years away! I did the c25k program and I can now run for 35 minutes, which is great because I could barely run for 5 minutes when I started. But I am running 15 minute plus miles! Which means I'm running about two miles. I get discouraged when I hear others here who are starting out too talking about 12 minute miles and running 3 miles in 45 minutes or less. That is sooo far away for me. To actually run a 5k right now, I'd have to run for an hour. So I've got a long ways to go. My sweetie is running a mini-marathon in Nov. and I'd really like to be able to do my 5k (and do it in under an hour!)

So long story short, I'd love to hear from others who were or are in the same boat. And if you have thoughts on the best way to keep moving forward I appreciate that too. I hope that when I get more of this 30 pounds I am striving to lose off that it will get easier. Thanks all! Karen