MFP's protein it possible to eat too much?



  • yksdoris
    yksdoris Posts: 327 Member
    I'm so confused why every single day I'm so far over my grams of protein as set by MFP. It's saying 45 grams. I had 42 for breakfast. I always stay at or close to my calorie goal (1,210 cal) but I'm always drastically over on protein. I was under the impression that protein is a good thing when working out as much as I do and to build lean muscle, am I wrong? Is it really possible that I'm consuming too much protein? My food journal is open to all MFP members, so please take a look and let me know what you think. I appreciate the input!!

    I did too. But, you may have seen in the news recently there's been this small study that proves that in order to keep the weight off, it might be best not to eat that many carbs. Now, no carbs can be dangerous to your heart so they don't advise that but in the study (admittedly, it was very small, would need lots more studies to verify it) they found that a ratio of 40% carbs, 40% fat and 20% protein worked best. Now, I've had trouble reaching my carbs since I joined here and I almost always went over my fat and protein anyways so what I've done is put my carbs from 55 to 40% and split the rest between fat and protein. See what happens (amount of calories per day is still the same). If it's no good after a few months, I'll switch it back.

    What I did do is add fiber as one of the columns in my diary, just to make sure I get enough fiber in the lessened amount of carbs per day.... My diary is open too, so you're welcome to take a look. though, I only changed the settings yesterday :P havne't tried the new ratio's out enough yet to comment on whether they work.
  • LeenaRuns
    LeenaRuns Posts: 1,309 Member
    MFP has it's goals in line with the US FDA recommendation for a "healthy" lifestyle. That said, you can change your goals -- mine are set to 40/30/30 c/f/p.
  • Lynn_SD
    Lynn_SD Posts: 83 Member
    MFP has its protein requirements set at 15%.

    Excellent article in JAMA on low glycemic index diet, see article and video at:
  • Nutrition1st
    Nutrition1st Posts: 216 Member
    Just make sure that as your protein intake increases, so does your water consumption. If you don't keep that balance you can develop high volumes of nitrogen in your urine and introduce your body to health risks from kidney problems.
  • stestut
    stestut Posts: 42
    I upped my protein recently because I thought MFP wasn't giving me enough (lowered carbs to compensate). It's definitely okay to go over.

    Carbs % should always be higher than Protein. Your body needs the carbs for energy!
  • jamie0930
    jamie0930 Posts: 5
    Bob Harper, the trainer on The Biggest Loser, says eat half your weight in protein. And not just in all meat, beans & eggs are great and incorporate meatless options once in awhile.
  • BAMFMeredith
    BAMFMeredith Posts: 2,810 Member
    I completely re-did my settings on here. I have my cals set at 1400 and my macro ratio set at 40% protein/30% carbs/30% fats. It's helped me SOOOOO much to have them set up that way! I've seen a lot of other MFPers with theirs set for 40% carbs/30% protein/30% fats, which is a good ratio as well, but for me personally I don't eat any starches and get all my carbs from fruits and veggies, so my diet is pretty naturally low carb anyway. Protein is more satiating to me than carbs are.
  • jamie1888
    jamie1888 Posts: 1,704 Member
    I upped my protein recently because I thought MFP wasn't giving me enough (lowered carbs to compensate). It's definitely okay to go over.

    Carbs % should always be higher than Protein. Your body needs the carbs for energy!

    Not to be rude, but this is FALSE information. Yes, your body does need some carbs but your carbs do NOT need to be higher than protein.
  • BAMFMeredith
    BAMFMeredith Posts: 2,810 Member
    I upped my protein recently because I thought MFP wasn't giving me enough (lowered carbs to compensate). It's definitely okay to go over.

    Carbs % should always be higher than Protein. Your body needs the carbs for energy!

    Completely false. It's not that cut and dry, what works for some people is not what works for others. My regular diet was recommended to me by a nutritionist and my doctor (I have gluten sensitivity and pretty much all starches, even GF ones, upset my stomach). Protein provides energy as well, and I've got plenty of it to power through tough workouts! Everyone's body chemistry is different.
  • chivalryder
    chivalryder Posts: 4,391 Member
    How much protein and carbs you eat should be determined by the type of exercise you do. If you do more cardio and less resistance, you should be eating at least 60% carbs. If you do resistance training and not so much cardio, then carbs should be lower. Keep fat at 20-25% tops. Have the rest as protein.

    Remember: Carbs is what your body uses for energy! Fat or protein can be used for energy too, but it's a lot slower and won't give you the kick you need for shorter, harder or higher energy workouts! Keep in mind, it'll eat protein before fat because protein is easier to break down than fat (but not as easily as carbs)!

    Right now, you're eating about 26% of your calories as protein. I wouldn't say that's bad, but I'd try to cut back on fats and eat more carbs, rather than cut back carbs.
  • From Val:
    Gotcha. Well, unfortunately the science of my body doesn't allow me to eat back my exercise calories and not gain weight. It's unfortunate but true! The only time I increase my calorie intake after a hard workout is if my trainer tells me to. He will tell me, 14-1500 tonight, Val. Which usually means a protein shake after our workout.
    As a friend of Val's in the real world, she is right... she cannot eat back her exercise calories... but I still love her:) And I wouldn't worry about the protein, you know what is right for you:)

    Thanks for having my back on that one girl! :heart:
  • Bob Harper, the trainer on The Biggest Loser, says eat half your weight in protein. And not just in all meat, beans & eggs are great and incorporate meatless options once in awhile.

    I've never heard that! So half your weight, in grams? Hmmm...I think that sounds right for me!
  • Just make sure that as your protein intake increases, so does your water consumption. If you don't keep that balance you can develop high volumes of nitrogen in your urine and introduce your body to health risks from kidney problems.

    I drink at least 160 oz of water a day :) Typically, all that I drink. Thanks for the info though, I had no idea! :happy:
  • Thank you all for the valuable input. Seems like we are generally in agreement that it's ok for me to go over on my protein, and now I know I can change it as well. Thank you!! :bigsmile:
  • WhoTheHellIsBen
    WhoTheHellIsBen Posts: 1,238 Member
    Bob Harper, the trainer on The Biggest Loser, says eat half your weight in protein. And not just in all meat, beans & eggs are great and incorporate meatless options once in awhile.

    I've never heard that! So half your weight, in grams? Hmmm...I think that sounds right for me!

    Listening to a "fitness trainer" from a reality show is like watching the Jersey Shore to learn to be a better person. Those shows have a ton of faults in them and many questionable policies on how they do things, not to mention many of the hosts have compromised integrity due to the desire to get a bigger paycheck. Think I'm kidding? Google Jillian Michaels lawsuit and count the dozens of them against her for allowing her name to be placed on faulty and sometimes out right life threatening products.
  • Bob Harper, the trainer on The Biggest Loser, says eat half your weight in protein. And not just in all meat, beans & eggs are great and incorporate meatless options once in awhile.

    I've never heard that! So half your weight, in grams? Hmmm...I think that sounds right for me!

    Listening to a "fitness trainer" from a reality show is like watching the Jersey Shore to learn to be a better person. Those shows have a ton of faults in them and many questionable policies on how they do things, not to mention many of the hosts have compromised integrity due to the desire to get a bigger paycheck. Think I'm kidding? Google Jillian Michaels lawsuit and count the dozens of them against her for allowing her name to be placed on faulty and sometimes out right life threatening products.

    Bahaha...Truth. I actually don't do anything without running it by my trainer first anyway. I'll chat with him. IMO he's better than Bob anyway ;)

    Thanks @BenSpellman