Anyone else have a really low sodium intake?

Short background:
So I know a high sodium intake is bad for you, but I also know that the body needs sodium as well and too little sodium can be bad for you. I used to eat out 3-4 times a week and now it's either once a week or none (not counting a special occasion or the occasional get-together with friends...both of which are rare). And when I do eat out I still eat healthy options as I would if I were eating in, but will have a small treat. So I have greatly reduced my sodium intake from previous levels. On a side note, I never add salt to any of my food, and I never have. I do season meat when I cook it, so whatever sodium is in the seasonings I obviously ingest, but I also don't really eat much meat.

So I've been looking at my sodium intake for when I eat in (which is pretty much every day) and I average under 900mg. I'm usually around 800-850mg. The "recommended" amount per day is 2,500mg. I'm just curious to see if anyone else finds themselves in the same range as me and if anyone has any information as to whether or not this is too little. I have done research but there's SO much information! So anyone with *credible* information (not just "Oh, I think you're fine, don't worry about"), please share. And anyone that just feels like sharing their intake (high or low), feel free to share as well! I'm not trying to say I don't want people to post, or that I only want certain people to post, I'm just saying when it comes to guidance I would like credible information. :flowerforyou:



  • oldmanstauf
    oldmanstauf Posts: 202 Member
    Do you have a medical reason to keep it that low? I've been advised by my cardiologist to stick to 1,500 due to hypertension. Do you have similar issues? If not, you may be driving yourself crazy for no reason.
  • sundaywishes
    sundaywishes Posts: 246 Member
    Do you have a medical reason to keep it that low? I've been advised by my cardiologist to stick to 1,500 due to hypertension. Do you have similar issues? If not, you may be driving yourself crazy for no reason.

    No medical reason, I just don't get a lot of sodium. The thing is, I'm not trying to keep it that low. I'm eating a lot cleaner now and it just so happens what I eat does not contain a lot of sodium. So I don't know if I should find some clean foods that naturally contain slightly higher amounts of sodium.
  • 75Juniper
    75Juniper Posts: 376
    This article seems reputable and breaks out the levels nicely. You are right that there isn't a lot of information on minimum levels.
  • sundaywishes
    sundaywishes Posts: 246 Member
    I appreciate that article, thank you :smile:
  • luchien
    luchien Posts: 15
    My range usually falls in the same as your numbers. Almost always under 1000mg. My blood pressure is normal and kidney function etc are all normal. I know I am not really 'credible' info but if your BP remains stable and within the normal range, and you still get potassium, magnesium, etc etc I am sure it's ok to be on the lower end. 2300mg is the upper limit of allowance, so if you eat a balanced diet otherwise I would say it's acceptable.