Gained back 20lbs of the 23lbs lost. UGH, seeking support

I am so frusterated, since I have started dating my boyfriend I have gained bakc 20 of the 23lbs. that I lost. I know its becasue I am not going to the gym anymore and just have sort of given up on even trying to track my foods. I am committing today to rejoining MFP I am also going to try and do the WW thing at home since I have all the materials. I figure if I do both I can't lose right?! Or better yet I CAN lose :smile: I am hoping some of you kid souls will friend me so I have some support while I start down this difficult road again. Thank you


  • froglady98
    froglady98 Posts: 10
    I understand! I've gained back 15 of my 80 since I quit going to the gym and quit smoking! Please feel free to add me!
  • mjsunshine16
    mjsunshine16 Posts: 251 Member
    feel free to add me. I gained back all 18 I lost and then an additional 10
  • angelicahinkle
    Feel free to add me. I wasnt really losing weight before me and my fiance have been together but I was at a steady weight which wasnt a healthy weight as that time. But in the past year and a half I have gained about 50 more pounds.
  • yelldan22
    yelldan22 Posts: 35 Member
    Same situation as you. But I gained back 50 of the 70 I lost upon meeting my fiance. I did WW for a little here at work, but I found it to be frustrating. I would go up and down each week no matter how I followed it. I know it works for some, but I had great success on this prior to meeting DF. Good luck. Just stay focused. Don't beat yourself up if you slip up a littler. We're all human. Just get back on.
  • dirty_blonde
    dirty_blonde Posts: 71 Member
    I recently gained back 20 of 50 lbs I lost in 2010. Mine is due to over eating and not tracking my calories. I started tracking my cals again and lost 3 lbs the first week. This week I'm tracking cals and exercising. Hoping when I get on the scale on Friday there is some more weight lost.
    Feel free friend me. My diary is open and viewable. I think it helps to see what others are eating. Gives me ideas also.
  • skirtlongjacket
    skirtlongjacket Posts: 41 Member
    They say fat and happy for a reason... I have gained over the two years I've been dating the BF, but I'm not about to get rid of him just to get skinny :smile: ! So MFP it is!