Giving up alcohol...



  • TheChocolatePrincess
    TheChocolatePrincess Posts: 137 Member
    Ibuprofen PM, Tylenol PM, 2 Benedryls, Ambien, et al.

    I typically medicate on a nightly basis and drink on weekends.
  • geordiegirl27
    geordiegirl27 Posts: 307 Member
    I also used to find I only slept if I had a couple of glasses of wine following a medical trauma. I still dont sleep brilliantly but leaving a few days a week without a drink I now sleep no worse but I feel better for not drinking as often.

    I would say if you're wanting to give up from the calorie point of view cut down and maybe have a few days of no alcohol.

    I enjoy a glass of wine or a beer so I'd never give up completely but I like to keep it in moderation from a health point of view.

    Good luck with getting more sleep with less/no wine.
  • mandypizzle
    mandypizzle Posts: 633 Member
    It is DEFINITELY a waste of calories! I use to do that too. I quit and am SO glad I do. Now I only have it on special occasions.
  • Rosered3333
    Rosered3333 Posts: 171 Member
    The first 10 days will suck. You need to replace the alcohol with something else, tea is a good idea, because drinking wine might be your bedtime routine.

    Once you get through the first 10 days, you'll probably find that you sleep better without alcohol than you ever did before.
  • geordiegirl27
    geordiegirl27 Posts: 307 Member
    If you can't sleep without alcohol, you're developing an addiction. That's more of a reason to give it up than for weight loss. Please take some time to really look at yourself and get some help.

    Umm... whatever. Thanks for being judgemental. Trust me.... I am well aware of what addictions are. I have a friend that I stood by with her addition to both drugs and alcohol. Not quite the same.

    just wanted to add (forgot on my last post) that I dont think you're developing an addiction, I can totally sympathise with you as I have had the same problem over the past 4 years and not sleeping is horrendous, some nights I am awake more than asleep and somehow having a couple of glasses of wine has helped but like you I wanted to stop using empty calories. Since I have been on holiday I've slept better and just hoping it continues. Its bloody awful and I hope you manage to get some restful sleep. good luck x
  • sailorsiren13
    I have pretty much given up alcohol and have noticed the times that i do drink i sleep worse. I have been eating fairly clean and low carb mainly watching my sugar intake and have been sleeping much better than i have in a long time. my body is "telling" on me according to my hubby so no matter how relaxing or good certain things make me feel giving them up is even better in the long run. Melatonin is your friend. :flowerforyou:
  • Titanuim
    Titanuim Posts: 337 Member
    Why don't you try a challenge like Dry July as motivation for not drinking for a month. It is not long and will help see if alcohol really is helping you get to sleep.

    I have always suffered from insomnia and love a glass or 3 of wine. I don't think alcohol is great for inducing a great sleep cycle really as I know that the quality of my sleep is better if I haven't been drinking.

    Any way I have decided to give up alcohol for a month. Firstly for the fundraising side ( Secondly as an experiment to see if it has an impact on my weightloss.
  • lesliev523
    lesliev523 Posts: 368 Member
    Thank you again for the supportive people. And for those of you that think I have a drinking problem, whatever. I said one to two GLASSES.... not bottles.

    I have been prescribed all types of meds for my insomnia, and for anxiety.... I choose not to take them because they are MUCH worse than a glass of wine. They are highly addictive with all kinds of weird side effects. I won't do that.

    Melatonin works sort of, but I wake up very groggy from it. I had someone message me to try half the dose I was taking, and I am going to try that. Thank you for being supportive and not judgmental.

    Those of you who have jumped to the conclusion that I am an alcoholic... I find it interesting that you would automatically assume that. Not one of you messaged me privately out of concern. Not one of you tried to get to know me to see if perhaps I did have a problem. Not one of you would do what a normal caring human being would do if one was concerned over another persons well being. Instead, you judged me publicly.... did that make you feel better about yourselves? I certainly hope so.

    I have learned my lesson to not pose an innocent question on the forums.
  • TylerJ76
    TylerJ76 Posts: 4,375 Member
    Thank you again for the supportive people. And for those of you that think I have a drinking problem, whatever. I said one to two GLASSES.... not bottles.

    Those of you who have jumped to the conclusion that I am an alcoholic... I find it interesting that you would automatically assume that. Not one of you messaged me privately out of concern. Not one of you tried to get to know me to see if perhaps I did have a problem. Not one of you would do what a normal caring human being would do if one was concerned over another persons well being. Instead, you judged me publicly.... did that make you feel better about yourselves? I certainly hope so.

    I have learned my lesson to not pose an innocent question on the forums.

    You're WAY over

    If you want to quit drinking, then quit. If you don't then don't
    Nobody jumped to any conclusions. You yourself said that you NEED 2 glasses of wine every night in order to sleep. Does that make you an alcoholic? idk.

    Do what's best for you, but when people give you suggestions, don't get all defensive about it.