How to log in specific exercises?

Hi all.

I've been trying to figure out how to log in my weight lifting routines. I'm not doing the traditional bicep curls sets. I'm doing stuff like Jillian Michaels 30 Day Shred, Chalene's Turbo Sculpt, Jari Love's Get Ripped, etc. How do we log that in?



  • I log weight workouts in as "cardio" under "Exercise", "my exercises", "create exercises". For weights logging it looks like you have to enter specific exercises (squats or triceps dips for example) and who has time to enter every set from a workout? Hopefully someone else will chime in that has found a more efficient way to do it. For now, doing as I stated above works pretty well. It's just not logged as a weight workout but in the description you can state that it is :-/