Vegetarian Low-Carb Ideas

GumbyAnne Posts: 130 Member
edited September 20 in Health and Weight Loss
I went to the doctor today and she advised me to reduce my carbs and sugars as much as possible for the next few weeks due to a health problem un-related to my weight. The challenge is that I am a vegetarian and so keeping carbs low is really hard without starving or being bored to death.

Help me brainstorm some ideas of meals I can eat that are low in carbs and sugar but free of any type of meat (No, I don't eat chicken or fish). I just hope I don't have to live on just hard-boiled eggs, veggies and nuts for the next month! Help!


  • hi,
    I understand....what u must be thinking but honestly i do eat chicken and fish infact i love them but i prefer to eat veggies and if u make them well then u dont need meat i believe.

    try some indian dishes u will like them as they are different.

    well take little oil,
    chop brinjal(egg plant into pieces) put them in that oil, add garlic ginger paste, add salt, red cillie powder to taste, indian garam masalaa powder easily available on asian stores .....and 2 tomotoes...
    and cover the lid and let it cook....
    you may add potatoes if u like along with it and let it cook..
    once veggie is tender...uncover the pan and stir it on high flame till the gravy dries and remains little bit..
    may add cilantro and green chilies chopped.

    hope u gonna love it.
  • mrd232
    mrd232 Posts: 331
    I don't have a lot of good ideas outside of copious amounts of vegetables, eggs, dairy, and nuts. Unfortunately while these items are low-ER carbs, they're not free of carbs.
  • dewdrop
    dewdrop Posts: 1,715 Member
    How about chickpeas and beans?

    If you're eating diary, then cheese (cottage cheese is my favourite) is a good alternative.
    Or some (little) oatmeal with plain yogurt and berries for breakfast (though I sometimes have this for dinner, too :wink: ).

    Disclaimer: I'm not so informed on how many carbs you can find in those things, cos in my mind carbs=bread :blushing: . I was just trying to brainstorm :smile: .
  • khskr1
    khskr1 Posts: 392
    I too am a veggie and try to eat low carb (except for pasta night :) I have found some great recipes/casseroles in Allrecipes. One called Zuchinni Herb Casserole that has become a staple in our house. it calls for rice, but I leave that out. Remember low carb doesn't necessarily me NO carb. Just scale everything back. You can do stuffed tomatoes and peppers with just a small amount of rice. If you eat any of the substitute "meats" try a taco salad with no shell. Just pile on the taco sauce and veggies. When you do eat carbs, make sure they are whole grain carbs. I also eat Quorn "chicken" pieces for a low fat stir fry. You could use that, but once again...limit the rice and pile up the veggies.

    Hope this helps!
  • dclarsh
    dclarsh Posts: 364
    I attempted to do the South Beach Diet as a vegetarian and I did find that with a little bit of creativity, you can come up with a lot of fantastic low carb vegetarian meals.

    For breakfast, I usually had a fried egg (in Pam), sauteed zucchini and a Morningstar Farms sausage patty. Snacks were things like cottage cheese, peppers/cucumbers with hummus and almonds. Lunch was a salad with kidney beans, fat free feta, tomatoes, cucumbers and Newman's Own Olive Oil and Vinegar Dressing (full fat). Dinner was where I got more creative. I had tomatoes stuffed with spinach, cheese and toasted pine nuts, or falafel on a salad instead of a pita with homemade tzadziki sauce, or tofu with mushroom sauce with green beans and South Beach "mashed potatoes" which is really just mashed up cauliflower. That's only a couple of examples, but as you can see, it's not so hard to come up with tasty food that fits.

    Also, I think you'll find that low-carb vegetarian food is really low in calories, so you'll get to eat quite a bit of it.

    Good luck!
  • are things like boca burgers and other meat substitutes low in carbs? I love veggie crumbles - you could use those for a taco night with low carb tortillas, or on top of a salad like a taco salad would be, or a chili with minimal tomato products. I love boca burgers with a touch of ketchup and pickles. I've also tried breaking them up into pieces and putting them in a stir fry.
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