Goal: Defined/Toned Vs. Cardio?

Hey Guys!! So I wanna lose approximately 2 more pounds, but my goal now is to get more defined/toned! I usually spend an hr and half at the gym sometimes more or less. Anyhow..

Usually start with a mile run..go up stairs hit the weights and then come back down for 30 min of cardio..this is 5 x a week.

I have been reading all over different places about if you want to get defined/toned you should limit the cardio..Is this true?? I am sort of confused. Was hoping someone could clarify <3 Thanks!!


  • jesscod
    jesscod Posts: 98
    Dunno if that is necessarily true. I know of a lot of fitness programs (p90x, insanity, jillian michaels) that have you doing compound exercises which burn a lot of calories AND build muscle at the same time. I would say it's just fine to hit the gym 5x/wk and do both cardio and weights. The most important thing you want to make sure of though is that you are eating enough calories, and enough protein, otherwise your strength training sessions will be less than effective.
  • Captain_Tightpants
    Captain_Tightpants Posts: 2,215 Member
    Limiting the cardio will help, but in an indirect way - it will give you more free time to lift heavy and nom on protein.