
lanie37 Posts: 204 Member
Looking for mutual help and support in the weight loss, and fitness plan. In for the long haul as i have a way too decent amount to lose.


  • amanda3588
    amanda3588 Posts: 422 Member
    Hello and welcome to MFP! You, as well as everyone else, are free to add me.

    I'm Amanda, 24, and have done this whole losing weight thing before. Two years ago, I crash dieted to 200lbs, but lost my motivation when I plateaued, and ended up gaining all the weight back plus some. Well now, it's time for me to be serious. I'm watching what I'm eating rather than just staying under a specific goal and I'm working on making myself a happier, healthier me.

    I am 5'10, my SW was 250, my CW is 224, and my ultimate goal weight is 150. If you'd like to know more, or are in need for a great support system, please add me. I try the best I can to be a great motivator.

    Good luck on your weight loss!